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Daily Discussion Thread: Thu 27 Jul 2023

Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • We've lost Sinead O'Connor. A grievous loss. I love her music and courage.

  • Should hear back by tomorrow about this job I interviewed for yesterday. And I have a Teams interview next week. I suppose this may be why I am feeling so damn social, having to put myself out there for corporations and present myself as a capable, intelligent person.... I just want to hang out with people and be my dense, silly, starchy self.

    What do tonight though? 🙄

    edit: have just had a small realisation: I like being social, but am afraid to be social because I hate taking up space - be it in a conversation, or physically. Wow. calls therapist

  • For those who saw my previous posts, kitty is home and on a lot of medication that will mostly keep him comfortable as things slowly come to end. There's a clot on his heart they couldn't get to pass so he may lose his back legs but hopefully he's at peace before that happens.

  • Hey guys, sorry it took so long to get over here. I’ve been very tired and was a bit intimidated by the learning curve of the site.

    Melbcat is here with me, happy and spoilt.

    Edit: I’ve been resting a lot, learning to draw in an app on my phone and debating whether I’ll maintain a vegie window box

  • Hi DTers! I'm here from Reddit (same username). Good to see people from the OG DT here.

    Kicking things off with a super random question, as I always do on the DT: I'd like to make oven baked tandoori chicken with basmati rice, but I'm not sure what to do for veggies. Chutney isn't really a replacement for veggies, but more of a dipping sauce, right? Can I put chutney over veggies like broccoli, cauli, carrots, etc? That probably doesn't sound right, but can anyone please recommend an easy Indian-style veggie side dish?

    Hopefully it's something easy and basic, because I'm a lazy and terrible cook :-(

  • I’ve handed out another Lemmy pamphlet at Reddit. I’ve been DMing individuals on a case by case according to their online activity. Probably think I’m a spam. 🫠

    which, technically I am, I guess…

  • Wow... I randomly looked at the staff page of my old high school in the 80s. The biggest bully of a teacher is still there but is now the student well being coordinator.

  • Saw the Barbie movie last night, mostly because I had no idea wtf it was about and wanted to see it before it got spoiled for me.

    It was fun going out to the movies on a Wednesday night and I really enjoyed seeing groups of people getting into the spirit, wearing pink, having dinner with friends beforehand and whatnot. The atmosphere felt fun in the centre.

  • Found my way to ol' r/melbourne for the first time in 5ever while I was chilling before my class began, and I came across a thread with the title about being afraid of the future and the apocalyptic feeling or whatever. And despite knowing what the comments were gonna be like, I still went and read them smh. I used to have genuine panic attacks when I was a teen about climate change, and while I don't try to avoid climate-relating talk or news because it's still important, I do try to avoid it when I have stuff I need to get done (for example class tonight) because I tend to get in a sort of..idk, stress mode haha.

    Anyway, shouldn't have gone to reddit to start with, and shouldn't have read those thread comments lol hopefully venting this to the world's friendliest DT will help

  • So two teachers in East-Germany are basically leaving town because they called out so many students playing music with racist lyrics, drawing swastika's and using the Nazi salute with other students. And parents in this town wanted them to leave essentially and this is just wild. Especially since Germany did a lot of stuff to try and stamp out Nazi-ism after WWII.

  • It's so warm today I've switched off the heating and am flouncing around in a skirt and t shirt. Unbelievable. (But also hooray for an insulated house)

    Tried to do a load of woollens and finally gave in at how gross the washing machine is. These guys are normally so uptight about cleanliness with their baby around and the wife having all kinds of chronic illnesses, but there's literal black mould impregnated all over the seal. The machine also used to deposit random bits of lint/mystery pieces onto the clothes, which has thankfully improved a bit after cleaning the filter and running it through a hot wash cycle with regular detergent a week ago.

    Did a through spray + 5 min soak with mould remover and a very vigorous scrub, which has taken off the scum and the most superficial mould, but the bottom bit where all the water wells up is particularly difficult. I've just put it through a hot wash with special washing machine cleaner and after that's done I'll dry it out - if it's still gross I'm thinking tomorrow I'll try 1:4 dilution of white vinegar on paper towels to soak onto the seal for a couple hours, then another scrub and wash.

    Open to any other tips from your personal experience of cleaning a front loader, and yes I realise it is probably too late to truly rid it of mould but something's better than nothing.

    Also sorry for the long posts today. One gets a bit loopy in suburbia ...sometimes.

  • I may have found the Deity of anti-calories. Behold the magnificence of Hissenator the most Exulted H of Stuff and Everything

    ID: conjoined jelly snakes of yum

  • long overdue haircut today. My hairdresser is a god amongst men, he's managed to cram me into his massively overbooked schedule so that I look decent for an upcoming funeral.

  • My department at work is collapsing. Our budget was dramatically cut, and my direct team in Melbourne has dropped from 8 or 9, down to 3 (farewell drinks for one tonight), and they aren't being replaced. Other big changes coming... Interesting times. Mood and motivation is down in the team. It will continue because it must, and will be profitable in some form, but I don't know what that form will be at the moment, it's all still up in the air. My job is safe I believe, I'm too expensive to make redundant and can be moved elsewhere. I'm just kind of a fly on the wall of my first major shift like this in a business. Just venting a bit I guess.

  • Getting lunch delivered today because I'm rocking a banger of a headache and feeling fragile. Haven't had any delivery in 10 days, which is a long time for me. Ride like the wind, Bernabe!

  • A surprisingly earnest and heartfelt article from Betoota today: "Report: Nothing Did Compare"

  • Sitting and soaking up the rays has to be one of life’s most simplest and loveliest pleasures… (Even though I’ll always be a night owl.)

  • so. much. adulting today.

  • Heading out to a viet place tonight for a fam dinner thing and I really need half of their entree menu.

    Problem with my fam is they don't understand the concept of order a bunch of stuff, put it in the middle and share it.

  • I tried to take a photo showing that RavenCat is team Barbie, but apparently took a photo

    looking into the void instead.

    Image: pink cat bed, filled with the enless inky depths of a black void.

  • PSA warning. The Coles at Richmond Traders has stocks of Shin Ramyun Black - at $11-85!!!!!!! Highway robbery.
    Also at Richmond Traders - I did not think it was possible to kill a pothos plant by neglect but they are managing to do so. If passing, it may be worth your time to go in and look at the ceiling above the chemist - multiple strands of dead and dying pothos dribbling sadly from the balconies. This rare sight has to be seen to be believed. I think it's because the office space is not rented yet and no-one is caring for the poor plants. Vegetable murder by neglect.

  • SWEET. It turns out my previous health cover (for visa holders - everything Medicare covers plus hospital with extras added on) did cross over to my new local PHI product so I don't have insane waiting periods for most things after all!

    I don't know how they decided it, because I'm pretty sure my previous extras cover did include physiotherapy and remedial massage (which now has a 2 month waiting period), but did not include psychology (which does not have a waiting period on my new cover).

    Not complaining, I need that shit... I am aware extras is usually more of an Entertainment Book voucher type thing for health services but I would actually use all of them anyway; I did the sums and the savings were worth it.

    And in other fantastic news, it only took nearly two weeks, but the cat has JUST! finally!!! figured out how to roll the treat ball HERSELF and get free treats without standing around sniffing it and helplessly looking at me.

    I almost thought she was mentally slow. It's like she was scared to push the damn thing even though she knows full well there are highly desirable goodies inside and the holes are at maximum aperture so she doesn't have to roll it much for stuff to come out. What a relief

  • Wildlife update:There are many bees in the trees.

  • I had an omelette with cherry tomatoes, spring onion and cheese and toast for dinner and there's a vanilla slice for afters for me :)

  • My kids are sitting next to each other on the couch both doing Duolingo. One doing French, the other switching between Italian and Hawaiian of all things...

  • Ooooh is Thursday... Payday!

  • Day 1 of intermediate body shred 30 day challenge. Was definitely ready for this challenge and approached it in the manner suggested by the Hybrid Calisthenics guy, i.e adapting the exercises to what fits your fitness ability now. Especially important for me because while my foot is better it's still not 100%. Like there's this weird looking plank into pike exercise that I didn't like the look of and didn't trust myself to do without damaging something so I did other core exercises instead. Mr Peeler noticed that my figure is changing, and noticed the muscles in my back when he hugged me. It's only been 32 days of exercises! My posture has improved and I actually feel like I have a core now. In muscle terms, I just felt a nebulous void between my thighs and shoulders. I'm doing those back friendly exercises every day too, and will for life now because they've just been so beneficial.

    Last night I had a crack at the exercises I linked yesterday and found that even after feeling knackered after a day's work, cooking dinner and doing laundry etc.,they were totally doable. So maybe I've got a short evening routine I can do as well, which means I'll be doing the recommended 30 minutes of exercise per day for the first time! Woo! Thanks for listening to my ramblings, and have a vitamin D-lightful day!

  • I helped two older (70s?) ladies yesterday. I caught ones dog running about in school drop off traffic, and I got some cheese off the top shelf at Coles for the other.

  • Mein Liebe made a beef bowl. Rice, sliced beef, sliced onion, cooking sake and mirin. Roasted sesame seeds and fresh sping onion.

    ID: pic is of the above meal in a blue bowl

  • I need a detox from real life people. I've seen and interacted with too many humans this week.

  • Just waved off my hairdresser, she of the 'JESUS CHRIST THAT'S A LOT OF GREY' comment. Definitely overdue for a colour and a bit overdue for a cut.

  • Pizza is in the oven. I originally decided not to do pizza because I couldn't be bothered making the base, but the food cupboard came through with a couple of fresh bases from Baker's Delight, so I have one pizza in the oven now & another base in the freezer. There were also a couple of tomatoes in the cupboard, so I have some tomato in my lunch salad for work, and made some tomato/onion/capsicum/basil mix to have with eggs for one of my breakfasts - plus added a few small slices to the pizza. I've been out of tomato for weeks so it was very welcome.

  • 8.5 degrees outside, feels like 4.6. Chilly dog walk morning, but I can't complain. Gippsland Eggs put up a post this morning from their car showing 0 degrees and an ice covered windscreen.

  • Inflation is bloody real. Coles shredded Mozzarella cheese is $11, I remember it being like $7.00 whereas the 250gram shredded is $6.00.

  • I thought I was just socially burnt out but I think I'm overall burnt out and exhausted. Not sure what I'm going to do as I have next to no annual leave or personal leave.

  • It's nice not get spam from uni studies, recruiters or have stories stolen . Just sayin'. 😊

  • Good bot.🤗

  • Loving early starts and finishes and already clocking up nearly 6.5ks of walking just tramming into the cbd for work and back and working. Was hard work today and as a few in the company have said, there's no need to go to a gym as work is a workout. Training and money is pretty sweet and all my co-workers are great, my colleague today I'd never worked with and asked me my pronouns which is always a good sign.

    On the way home I scored a proper oodie of the baby unicorn print variety and black stovepipe dungarees from the salvos. The oodie is warm, oversized soft and is baby blue, powder pink and white so you know, basically a gay / trans pride oodie as far as I'm concerned. It's nice to find clothes I know I'm going to basically live in for reasonable prices. Still undecided about whether salvos are cool or not, but their staff are at least.

    Absolutely gorgeous day out there too, so I'll smash my ks up to 11 with a nice stroll around this lovely neck of the south of the rivers woods. Also already been able to share some totally un-asked for kindness through my volunteer work as well, so today's about as wholesome as I can hope for.

    Thx for reading and love to you all my little dt family.

  • Damn, didn't get to finish up what was I supposed to do at work though the job was a little bigger than I thought in the end.

    Hopefully can finish it up tomorrow.

    Nearly time to wrap up the day and then off grocery shopping I go.

    Herring is on my mind.

  • I wish I was Peaches.

    Edit: and Andy Black. I want to be everyone and I want everyone. Fuck.

    Edit edit: I am listening to my everything playlist, and will refrain from posting songs, I promise 😱😅

  • Breakfast 🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍈🫐🍓🍇🍉🍌🍒🍑🥭🍍🥥🥦🥑🫛🍆🍅🥝🥬🥒🌽🥕🥐🍠🫚🥔🧅🥯🍞🥖🥨🧀🧇🥞🧈🍳🥚🥓🥩🍗🍖🥪🍕🍟🍔🌭🥙🧆🌮🌯🥗🍲🍜🍝🥫🥘🍛🍣🍱🥟🦪🍥🍘🍚🍙🐠🍤🪼🦀🐙🥠🥮🍢🍡🍧🍰🧁🥧🍦🍨🎂🍮🍭🍬🍫🥜🌰🍪🍿🍯🥛☕️🍵🍺🍶🥤🧋🧃🥂🍷🥃🍸🍹🧉🔋

  • Miss Meow thought playing with the clothes hanging on the drying rack looked like fun. She successfully subdued the lingerie bag, but got stuck in my bra. I had to rescue her (and the bra) but she looks completely unrepentant.

  • I found a really good way to think of fat/weight control.

    Everyday there are three possible outcomes. We get fatter, we stay the same, we get thinner. Mark each day on the calendar. The trick is to slowly move from "get fatter" to "stay the same", then from "stay the same" to "get thinner". Then it's stay the same thereafter.

    It probably means No Junkfood. Diet. Stay on diet.

  • Watching Dune (2021) - I fell asleep watching this once and also fell asleep watching the original version...maybe third time will be the charm?!

  • lol'd at the old-man rant on r/melbourne - wiener.

  • I tried those chicken carbonarra bite ball things and the potato kieve bite balls from Coles tonight.... Potato Kiev was kinda crappy, but the carbonarra bites were quite good! Not as many as I would've thought, it's a bloody big box and they could fit at least a dozen, probably closer to 2 dozen in there, but they only put 8


    That ended up being very decent salt and pepper (and chilli) squid at Anh Anh kew. I really rate that place :)

  • I tried getting the octopus Bacon helpfully provided to do my TAFE assignment for me, but it has refused (I think it's in the spare room right now trying to open a jar of peanut butter instead).

    I sat down to do it myself and realised I really don't want to do it either. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but it's all just far too tedius. So I've withdrawn from the units I was in, and will probably withdraw from the course all together. Now I can just do the interesting uni stuff and will have some more free time.

  • The NatWest / Coutts / Farrage affair is going to be an interesting case study in dealing with trolls.

    If the CEO of NatWest simply said No Comment, and let their dealings descend into to GB News dribble, she would still be in her job.

    Instead she tried to defend her company, and broke privacy laws in the process, by saying Farrage dropped below their deposit threshold for having an account there. It's kind of like those people that leak military secrets to win a world of tanks forum battle.

  • 'I mean,' she said, 'that one can't help growing older.'

    'One can't, perhaps,' said Humpty Dumpty; 'but two can. With proper assistance, you might have left off at seven.'

    if only, one can dream

  • I will not send songs, I will not send songs, I will not send songs.

    I'm going offline. Fuck.

  • Where to get a stack of pancakes piled high with Banna and berries and whatnot? Somewhere in the city between 8 and 10 this mroning would be perfect

    [edit] ooo pancake Parlour is open already?! I thought they didn't open until 11 or something. Still open to suggestions though

  • early dinner done, had the pies I made for lunches

  • Does anyone want to go to Brunswick Artist's Bar tomorrow night for NIGHT OF POWER II?

    DJ Thin Lindsay will be doing power ballads all night, entry is free.

  • Oops, apparently managed to post this as a comment reply instead of a new post.

    As there was a short discussion recently about the environmental impact of using paper towel I thought I would link this You-Tube video that talks about it if anyone is interested. The first couple of minutes talk about paper towel vs reusable, I found it pretty interesting.

  • I’m just going to take this down myself. [was unpleasant teeth image]

  • Lol so there's a weird situation going on in my fridge. There's a basin of red and yellow capsicums swimming in water because I don't really know what to do with them. I've had them for a couple weeks but they feel firm but I've got this fear that I don't know what I'll find if I slice them open.

  • What's South Korea like to visit? Jetstar have ~$450 return flights....

  • I have realised that with the new aircon being installed on Tuesday I won't need my dehumidifiers any more, and I can get rid of a couple of electric heaters too. Extra floor space! I really should have sorted this out much sooner. I am a terrible property manager.

  • I was planning porridge for breakfast, but then

    this happened.

    Image: plate full of banana pancakes, covered in golden syrup and bananas, topped with a thick dollop of sweetened vanilla yoghurt.

    Thanks for the inspiration

  • #Worldle #552 3/6 (100%) 🟩🟩🟨⬜⬜↘️ 🟩🟩🟨⬜⬜➡️ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🎉 ⭐⭐🏙️🪙

    📷 #WhereTaken🌎 #151 1/6 🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🎉 ⭐⭐⭐⭐

    📷 #WhereTaken🇺🇸 #135 6/6 🟦🟦🟦🟥⬜↗️ 🟦🟦🟦🟦⬜↗️ 🟦🟦🟦🟦🟥➡️ 🟦🟦🟦🟦🟥↙️ 🟦🟦🟦🟦🟥↗️ 🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🎉 ⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • Just had a look at Big mob of rain coming in from Western Vic. I reckon it'll be here by morning. So much for doing a perfect two weeks of biking to/from work every day. Now to find my myki .... Sorry studspud, won't be going to Night of Power if it's raining.

  • Train shenanigans 🙃

  • Turning Japanese by The Vapors is something else. Love it but I feel weird about it 😂😭

  • Today's random thing stuck in my head: The song One Final Effort from Halo 3. Like it or hate it, I think Halo 3 might've been one of the biggest moments in gaming history. The excitement seemed to extend beyond just the gamers, and for a moment we were all united. That and I guess Pokemon Go. Shame we dont have more moments like that these days.