The Legend of Zelda - A Link To The Past
This game was great when it was released and it's great now, and thanks to the randomiser community it's now infinitely replayable as well.
Super Metroid
A series that literally helped define a genre, Super Metroid was everything that I suspect they wanted Metroid and Return of Samus to be but the hardware couldn't keep up. The world is built for speed running as well with so many shortcuts that experienced players can utilise, and again, with the randomiser community making it infinitely replayable (not only on its own, but with a crossover with ALTTP!), this game easily makes it onto my list.
Final Fantasy VII
My original introduction to JRPGs and a game whose story and mechanics still hold up today even if the graphics don't as much. Obviously a lot of people feel the same way thanks to the Remakes, which while slightly out there have had so much nostalgia to play through them.
Final Fantasy XI
The original Final Fantasy MMORPG and my introduction to MMORPGs generally, I put about 10 years into this game and still to this today occasionally reinstall it and see where I was last up to.
Final Fantasy XIV
I tried several times to start FFXIV, but never got past the first few dungeons until COVID lockdowns hit, and since then am fully on board. The story, while a slow burn, is so good, and being a live service game means there's always new content coming or changes to learn. But really, the story in FFXIV is easily good enough to qualify as a mainline FF title, and any FF players who haven't tried it yet, should.
Doki Doki Literature Club
You have to play this blind. Don't watch a let's play, and avoid any spoilers if you can. It's worth it. But when it's all done, if you're playing on PC, people have written entirely new mods and story for it, and the good ones really know how to make you connect with the characters.
Persona 5 Royal
I discovered the Persona series with Golden, and was super excited to play Persona 5 when it released, but Royal is the definitive version that you'll want to play. The story is great, the gameplay is lots of fun, and the combination of JRPG and slice of life makes you feel a lot more connected to the loveable cast.
Just perfectly tickles that itch for resource management. The factory must grow.
Metal Gear Solid 2
A main memory I have of this game is the first time playing it where I bought out a whole box of those chocolates they sell for fundraising - was supposed to sell them to other people but they were great for late night snacking while I played. The stealth, the tension, the weird everything towards the end, it was a trip from start to finish.
Duke Nukem 3D
Duke wasn't my first foray into FPS games (Wolfenstein 3D manages that title). But it holds a special place in my heart as it was the first game I ever played online multiplayer on. But I did it before the internet, so literally had a modem to modem connection running over an IPX network. Realistically, there's been plenty of better FPS games since, both modern and classic, but the irreverent humour, plus the fact I was a teen who probably wasn't supposed to be playing a game with strippers and highly pixilated tits in it, just edges it into my top 10.
Kind of in order, kinda not. They all deserve 1st place, really, and I'm sure there are many others that could be up there with them that didn't spring to mind as fast.
Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past
Slay the Spire
Monster Hunter: World (+ Iceborne)
Portal 2
Persona 4: Golden
Advance Wars 2
TES 4: Oblivion
Depends how you define 'top', but lets go with most (estimated) hours played:
Minecraft. It wont track my hours, but if it did in the back end and told me I had played 10,000 hours of minecraft, I'd believe it. Yes I'm aware that's more than a year of playtime, I mean what I said. Almost been playing for half my life, I doubt I will ever truly stop.
Runescape, both RS3 and OSRS. They started tracking hours played well after I started playing, but given my playtime for both of these is listed in days, it probably deserves being here. You never quit Runescape, you merely take extended breaks.
League of Legends. This probably wouldn't show up if it were a list of favourite games, i don't know why I still play it. Around 2,000 hours at last check. Help me.
Forza Horizon 5. 600 hours. I did a lot of races. 400 hours in the previous title. Anyone still playing 5 know if the game works properly now? I remember the online being a disaster and the majority of every leaderboard being cheated times.
Warframe. This is going out of order due to the extremely short time I got those hours. At 500 hours, the first 200 hours were in 2 weeks. More games need bullet jump.
Counterstrike: Global Offensive. Yeah that's about 2k hours again. This game has ruined most other FPS games for me because bullet travel time is a bitch and I never learned it.
Stardew Valley. I think all top 10 lists deserve this game, 400 hours. Level 10 fishing in the first spring, never sided with Joja.
Skyrim. 360 hours, although at least 20 of those hours were mid-crash. Unplayable without mods.
Trackmania 2020. Excellent game, ton of fun. Wish it wasn't behind the Ubisoft launcher, this game is the only reason I have it. 300 hours. Obviously learned about the game from Wirtual.
Stellaris brings out 10th, 170 hours. I have no idea how to play the game and I think I need about 500 more hours to maybe get the basics down. And then I'll have to learn all the DLC!
This list did not end up being some of the games I expected it to be. I thought Skyrim would be lower, and I thought Beat Saber would've made an appearance, but only 145 hours of that. This list also skipped idle games because that's just cheating. Apparently I only have 10 games on Steam over 100 hours, that's clearly not enough gaming and I need to fix that. Did I write too much? Probably. But I spent a couple minutes looking up the numbers for some of these so I'm not just gonna not post it at this point.
Final Fantasy VII (might be replaced with Rebirth if I end up replaying it a bunch in the future like I do with the OG)
Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue
Theme Hospital
Mirrors Edge
Halo 3
Need for Speed Most Wanted
Tony Hawk Underground
Persona 3 Reload (before this it would've been 4 that would've been my favourite of the franchise)
The Sims 3
I tried to think of games that I keep coming back to, or in the case of Persona and Celeste, ones that stick in my head even years after beating them.
Edit: don't know how this slipped my mind but a kingdom Hearts game should definitely be here. It's my favourite game series, I think I forgot to put it down because I was trying to think of which one I would put down as the best of the series.
Tunic, Outer Wilds, Undertale, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Celeste, Hollow Knight, Ori And The Blind Forest/Will of the Wisps, Citizen Sleeper, The Talos Principle
Looking over this, it seems like I'm drawn to games that have either unusually good writing, very long skill curves, or (e.g., #1) both.
UT2004 sneaks in for being the absolute best LAN-party game ever (fight me). I think Link's Awakening is mostly just nostalgia though. 😋
Edit: bumped UT2004 down to "honorable mention" because I somehow forgot the billion hours I've sunk into Satisfactory. Still very curious to see where that game goes story-wise after the 1.0 launch, though.
Probably incomplete list that I may update after a nap.
Outer Wilds
The most sublime game I've ever played. I can't begin to describe how this game made me feel. It's also an excellently designed game. If you've never played it before, go in blind, because even the smallest spoilers risk diminishing your experience. It's an open world, exploration adventure game, which involves space travel, a quaint setting and fun physics
Disco Elysium
Another game that made me feel things. One of my favourites
Played it on a Gameboy back in' day. It's a great game
Rollercoaster Tycoon 2
Halo Reach
I don't even know if I believe this was the best Halo game, I was just indecisive and I'm biased because I like the DMR and the SWAT multiplayer game mode (no shields, so a headshot kills in 1)
Deep Rock Galactic
Feel like it's the peak of the four person squad based kind of game. I've literally got hundreds of hours in this game.
Stardew Valley
I didn't actually vibe with this too much personally, but I've got to respect it for how accessible it is to many different kinds of gamer. It executes what it set out to do perfectly.
Faster than Light
I don't even like rogue likes generally. The soundtrack is great.
A lot of my gaming experience has been on Nintendo consoles, and a lot of this list is going to be viewed through nostalgia goggles with a lot of my first ranking higher than games that might have done the same thing better.
Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt- this is where it all began for me, and I still wish light gun games had become more of a thing
Tetris- timeless classic, everyone knows and loves it, no further explanation needed.
Pokemon red/blue/yellow- my first forray into RPGs
Kotor- first forray into RPGs that actually involved playing a role, the fact that you could be a bad guy was revolutionary to me. I also think this may have been one of the first games that I played completely through, I've always had a bad habit of never finishing a lot of games even if I really loved them. Also one of my first PC games and the first time I needed to install a graphics card in the family PC to play a game.
TES: Oblivion - look, you could pretty much insert any of the elder scrolls or 1st person fallout games into this spot, and quite a few others that arguably do it better, but this was my first real taste of an open world where you could go do (moru-or-less) whatever you wanted, everything felt so alive, and the imperial city still kind of feels to me like one of the most alive and actually functional cities in a video game and not just a level that's dressed up to look like a city.
Portal 2: I don't think there are many games out there that are just this much fun, and everything the first portal did great (which was pretty much everything,) 2 expanded on and made even better.
Octodad: Dadliest Catch- I'm a sucker for short games with a good gimmick and intentionally weird controls.
Saints Row 3- it was stupid, it was fun, I could honestly entertain myself for hours just running around the city, stealing cars, and beating luchadores with a giant dildo for hours and have a blast the entire time.
Super Mario 64- my first experience with 3d gaming, and I'd argue still one of the best 3d platformers out there (wonky cameras and such from that era aside) I like simple, lightheaded games.
Ocarina of time- enough has been said about this game elsewhere on the Internet that I don't feel like I need to say any more.
Elder Scroll series. Skyrim for the modding and eyecandy potential, Oblivion for the madness that is spellcrafting (also Shivering Isles is the best ES DLC), Morrowind for the true alien fantasy.
Thief II is the quintessential first-person sneaker.
Independence War II still has one of the best flight models and a great story.
X3: Terran Conflict is the best first-person strategy game.
Half-Life 1 and 2.
Il-2: Great Battles is the best WWII combat flight sim.
DCS is the best jet combat sim.
Elite: Dangerous is the only space sim with actual 1:1 scale galaxy, including many real-life stars and is the best life-in-space simulator with flight model as good as I-War 2 and decent enough on-foot parts (even though there is some jank and glitches).
I'm a pretty casual gamer, so I've pretty much only played the "hits" a few years after they've been out.
These are the ones I remember feeling the most groundbreaking and spending the most time with over the years.
Doom 2
GTA San Andreas
Yakuza 0
Last of Us
Zelda: Link to the Past
Duke Nukem 3D
Carmageddon 2
Eternal Darkness
Red Dead 2
Metal Gear
I got a good laugh out of the other post that is all the Yakuza games, because that's how I spent a ton of my Covid work from home time playing them on the cheap. They had the fun of the GTA games, but I never like the main characters were bad people, so Yakuza gave me the games I've wanted through all the GTA years and then some.
Subnautica (original and Sub Zero, plus a nod to Planet Crafter which captures some of that same vibe)
Metroid Prime (and all the other Metroids)
StarCraft (1 and 2, though fuck Blizzard today)
Diablo (2 and 3, though to a lesser extent for 3, and still fuck Blizzard)
WoW (I'm done with it now but there was a reason I was addicted for those years, but fuck Blizzard)
Oblivion (and Skyrim)
Factorio (and Dyson Sphere Project)
Beat Saber (and a nod to the rhythm games that predated it, like Rock Band, Guitar Hero, and Frequency I believe it was called)
Paradox games (HOI4, CK3, Europa (uh current?), Stellaris)
Many others could have been listed here instead. Oxygen not included, smash Bros, DBZ kakarot, xenosaga 2, transport fever, city skylines, risk of Rain 2, King's quest series, civ, Halo, Mario games, Zelda games, Mario Kart, Lego games, Minecraft... And I'm sure I'm missing many more that I have tried and others that I haven't.
City of Heroes (can you believe it's legally back?!?)
Red Dead Redemption II
Planescape: Torment
Stardew Valley
(I'm sure that last one will raise some eyebrows, but I've already got over 1k hours in it since launch. For all its faults, it scratches some itch of mine just right.)
Half life 2 (especially episode 2), HL: Alyx, Mario 3, Sonic 3 (with Sonic and Knuckles attached), Sonic 2, space station 13, dead by daylight, portal 2, guitar hero 3, I dunno, one of the metal gear solids or Garry's mod
Bard's Tale
Ultima IV
Phantasy Star II
Phantasy Star Online
Super Street Fighter II: Championship Edition
Impossible Mission
Gain Ground
Boom Blocks - Wii - top of my list. Not because it's a good game, but because my kids and I had uproarious hours spent playing it together.
Video game I have not yet figured out the name of. It came out in 1986(ish?) and it had a robot/cyborg in a kind of metroidvania level set. Macintosh.
Doom, the original. Scared the PISS out of me. Then I played it hardcore after that. Doom II came out and I set up LAN parties and opened up my nascent IT outsourcing business for those.
Helldivers 2 - Honestly, I haven't actually engaged with a game this hard for decades.
Senua's Sacrifice - This game helped me considerably, in understanding the people I love.
Doom 2016 - What's not to like. It's perfect.
Starcraft II - When it came out. Excellent weaving of story and gameplay.
HI-FI Rush - Unexpected fun.
Zork - I would have never expected this level of amazing story telling this many years ago.
I know I am short of 10, but I can't think of anything else.
In no real particular order, games with highest impact on me:
battlefield 1942 - desert combat mod
Ground breaking at the time. Physics and gamespeed have never been captured by any other game. Consumed my free time for a long time.
2 counter strike
Simple concept, extreme depth. I've clocked several thousand hours into this franchise.
The witcher 3
In terms of world building and story telling... Incredible.
The Witness
Absolute masterclass in game design, world design. Puzzle design.. This is an incredible puzzle game that will shift your perspective.
Faster than light
I haven't found anything else quite scratch that replay ability, that tethering on the brink of losing, itch. It's a unique game.
Guild wars 2
Completely changed the way mmorpgs were played, and was a great mmo.
Monkey Island
I wanted to mention a point and click, several spring to mind, but this still series lives in my mind the most. Although space quest is another that impacted my young brain.
Like... I was there since its debut. Still watching and enjoying mc related content.
Space is pretty big and cool
Eve online
Getting back stabbed by the person you've been back stabbing for, so you join the enemies of your friends to be able to backstab your backstabbers.
Honorable mention for all of the Diablo's really, been playing them since the first one, and all of the Fallouts, playing since the 2nd. Shoutout to my X-Com homies.
This is off the top of the dome and given more time I'd probably change this significantly, but here's 10 of my favorites from a multitude of genres:
Rain World
Outer Wilds
Stephen's Sausage Roll
(Those are pretty firmly my top 3, all totally mindblowing experiences that surprised and awed me multiple times)
Spelunky 2
Getting Over It
Peaks Of Yore
Dark Souls PTDE
Hunt: Showdown
Honorable mentions for Guilty Gear and Tekken as series, and I have a special place in my heart for the 2000 title Sacrifice, which is my eternal top pick for a remaster/remake.
Games that I have spent an incredible amount of time playing, in no particular order (games where I have noted time, I have played those exclusively without playing any other games):
Enter the Gungeon (two years)
Master of Orion (& sequels and likes)
Sim City 2000
Command & Conquer (just the first one)
Quake World (5 years)
Ragnarok Online (5 years)
Transport Tycoon Deluxe (& Open TTD)
Wizardry 7
World of Warcraft (5 years)
I'd like to mention that there comes a certain point in skill based games like fps and twitchy MMOs, where your character's movements are so ingrained in muscle memory, your knowledge of the game engines' ins and outs are so thorough, that even just standing around in one spot you know at any moment what action or reaction is going to happen upon your next few key presses, and you have a hundred percent confidence in executing those without a flaw, if you bothered to lift your finger.
This is just out of the games I can recall off the top of my head and no order besides the first title being number one:
• Borderlands (specifically on xbox360 with all DLC)
• Fallout New Vegas (despite never actually beating it once)
• SuperTuxKart
• Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 Platinum Edition
• Sonic Mega Collection Plus (PS2 since I've never played it on original xbox and because I still think it's a pretty good way to experience classic Sonic for those that don't want things like savestates and those that do)
• Crazy Taxi (on Dreamcast)
• Hitman Blood Money/Absolution (purely for how much fun I manage to find in them regardless of their flaws and yes I'm counting them as a single game because I can't say I like one more than the other)
• Spyro Reignited Trilogy (so far the only game remaster I can think of where I'd recommend it over the originals because fuck Year of the Dragon and the portals leading to the minigame like sections in levels causing the music to turn off if you get too close in the original)
• Pokemon Uranium (that one fangames that got banned but is still being updated/my first experience with pokemon fangames and ROM hacks)
• Portal 2 (both on xbox360 and PC because I beat co-op on 360 by myself once and also because level editor on PC and the one level I have saved that I cannot beat despite trying on and off for years)
Civilization III
Final Fantasy IX
Kerbal Space Program
Empire Earth
Borderlands 2
Halo: Reach
The must be mentioned:
Bioshock(and Infinite)
Final Fantasy 4, 14, 5, 6 in that order
Red Alert 2
Total War: Rome, Rome 2, Medieval 2, and Shogun
Lords of the Realm 2
No Man's Sky
Horizon series
Space Empires V
Battlefield 1942
Medal of Honor(the first one from the 90's, not that bullshit reboot from 2010)
Smash Bros Melee, 64, Brawl in that order
Warcraft II: The Tides of Darkness
Theme Hospital
Chrono Trigger
It was tough leaving some of those mentioned ones out of the top ten, but the top ten belong where they are for me for how definining they were/are for me.