After decades of using different window managers, fixing broken configs with major updates, fretting about multi monitor config etc I started using GNOME. It might not look as sleek but I’m a lot more productive now.
The KDE to GNOME should have been "imagine not having standard min max window titlebar buttons by default" with each following DE dunking on GNOME for the same reason.
Seriously, what degenerate thought this was a good idea. Even gesture spamming Mac users still have their standard GUI in case they want to use the mouse like a normal person or idk someone not fluent in computers wants to use the machine without feeling like chopping their hand off.
"Calling out" gnome for needing extensions for customization seems stupid when those extensions are easy to find, easy to use, and work really well. On the other hand, I have not been able to find a taskbar for plasma that would let me group windows from an application together while also letting me rearrange the windows inside of a group. I know I need to try implementing it myself someday, but I feel like gnome ends up having more options.
Sorry but a tty is just a teletype terminal, using a tty could just as easily mean using kitty, alacritty, gnome terminal or the one you get if you were to use your shell as an init system (not sure what that would be called). You don't switch from a tty to Alacritty, as you're still just in a tty.
Also to my knowledge kitty has hardware acceleration too.
Sorry to be nitpicking but I think knowing that tty isn't just what you get when you press ctrl+alt+f2 is important for a deeper understanding of the operating system.