Some fans appear determined not to let this trend affect the game's welcoming reputation, having reported that they are trying to rebuild other people's C.A.M.P.s whenever they see them nuked, and work even harder to support newbies in other ways. Between that and Fallout 76's existing anti-griefing measures, it's possible that this potential uptick in malicious player activity will pass before long.
Griefing in Fallout 76 is pretty much non-existent - it's an overblown "headline".
That community has been one of the most friendly and welcoming communities of pretty much any multi-player game in the last few years. Asking a question or for help from a complete stranger and getting way more information or assistance is actually the more common occurrence.
The game has been around for a long time, so welcoming or helping a newbie is sometimes a nice break from the grind for the high-level players.
Come on over newbies - the game has changed a LOT from its original iteration (which WAS a shitshow full of bugs and griefing - which is outdated information from long past).
I was genuinely surprised how nice people are on 76 when I played it. I was so used to the toxic COD lobbies and GTA Online servers that I just expected the worst from everyone. Such a huge breath of fresh air. I only stopped playing because I ran out of stuff to do.
You're probably not wrong, but this dosn't surprise me. As you know the success of the show increased the amount of online players, which also inevitably increase the amount of toxic players(even if it's still a little minority).
SMH so much drama. Griefing isn't really a thing in 76. Camps are easily fixed, shelters are invincible, trap camps are very rare, trolls are also super rare, and you literally have pacifist mode to avoid pvp. Honestly though..
You also are warned about nuke launches and have about 3 minutes to react before it actually hits. You can easily deactivate your camp or switch servers before this happens.
What does me mentioning a fallout game without grieifing have to do with a post talking about a fallout game that is currently being griefed? Doesn’t take ten points in intelligence to figure this one out.
No, Fallout 4 is single player. Therefore it has no griefing. Also it was recently updated to next gen graphics on console so it’s a great time to play.
isn't nuking a CAMP just part of the game? You can pick anywhere to place a camp, you can put a nuke anywhere, you can see both on the map - ergo camps get nuked.
Yup. People are whining about it over on reddit, but that's literally something the game allows. Camps are easily fixed, and people are just being extra about it just to farm karma.
I'm currently unemployed. I've been playing this game enough that you could call it my full time job. I have seen zero griefing, which is especially surprising because I run with the trans pride flag player icon. My camp hasn't been nuked, I've been removed from a team once, I assume to make room for the leader's friend who instantly took my place, and I've only had positive reactions or neutrality with everyone I have interacted with. People have complimented my camp, I've had people repair my broken camp stuff that NPCs have destroyed, I've had people give me free shit which is funny because I'm level 219, I mean fuck me I'm just not seeing this whole toxicity stuff that the articles claims is happening. Fallout 76 is one of the most wholesome communities I know of.
You mean the reason you won't play is because of an article exaggerating the toxicity of the players? Because I can guarantee you there nearly no griefing whatsoever. Surely you have a better reason to not play than simple non-existent griefers?