also don't see how you could trigger it assuming it expects a very specific movement pattern that includes a sudden movement.
maybe by dropping your phone but that doesn't happen that often and having to unlock your phone again is the least of your concerns in that case
How about putting all app data in storage0 so it can be easily backed up. The thing I care about most if my phone is stolen is being able to build a new one and not have to spend the next day reconfiguring every damned app.
well the whole point of android is to isolate data between apps. that includes your file explorer app.
still crazy how there's no way to do unencrypted backups from data partition anymore though. the adb backups are deprecated and even though the command still exists it seems broken on android 13 and 14
Not the teenager's phone. The parents paid for it... and continue to pay for it through the subscription of cellular service. Unfortunately any attempt to keep the parent out would be accurately described as theft or destruction of property.
you have to sign out of your account before resetting the phone in order to prevent tripping the protection.
in case you trip it, you need to enter your credentials, your phone will reboot and do another wipe stage and then will jump right back to the OOBE, fully unlocked.
iirc the account is not actually saved, just verified
I am assuming its the same with Apple and as long as you sign out of your google account before wiping, it is no longer linked to you. Hopefully it will prompt you to do so when wiping the device locally.
Sounds like a work profile, so you could probably simulate it already with something like Island. Although I can't remember if it also has a PIN feature.
If you have a Samsung phone you can try something similar now called secure folder. Search in your options to create. Then you can install apps in there and all the apps and data are sandboxed from the rest of your phone. You can't access the data from the main phone and apps in the secure folder don't have access to your main phone.
I have one setup for my banking app and other apps I would prefer to be private. Have to enter a password to get access to that area and it is encrypted when locked. It works real well.