I want a shitty fan trailer where it starts with someone saying "Somehow Plagueis returned..." where all we ever see is the tall hooded silhouette that never speaks
Then at the end, the hood pulls back, head still in silhouette, but a very.... Distinct head appears, and in a slightly deeper than normal voice, we hear "Meesa back..." as glowing yellow eyes open up.
The comedian Daniel O'Brian once pointed out that the Ewoks clearly have flat teeth like a herbivores, which implies that eating meat isn't necessary or even natural for them. It's a deliberate choice. I think about that a lot.
Had Leia happened upon some random person out in the forest, she likely would have hidden and observed to figure out their intentions/allegiance before engaging. As would I, a guy.
And when the ewoks happened upon some random guys in the forest they got super agro defensive until C3PO said "not all men".
Me and my buds got all offended by this but then I remembered us dudes shared Bill Burr's "Toughest job in the world" joke over and over and this is just them being dramatic over that