I’ve been amazed at how goofy these apple goggles look juxtaposed with how excited rich nerds are to hoover up new a new apple toy and tech personalities are to talk about a new apple product.
I'm sure the overlap between people who bought Google Glass thinking it would be the future, and people buying this thinking it will be the future, is just a circle.
Apple has a better track record of sticking things out though so who knows, maybe this one will stick.
Apple has a better track record of sticking things out
That's true and the reason why I couldn't stand staying in their ecosystem. Apple fans are just insufferable. They gobble up every shit Apple ditches out and cheer them on when they report just another record quarter paid by themselves.
I'm very skeptical of vr as a general mass market product. But if they're willing to have another semi-niche system on their line up then this probably will last a long time. There are tons of people who will always be enthusiastic for vr since it harkens to a childhood dream of theirs
Better yet, if everyone is wearing these, then everyone can see and hear everyone else as the people they approve of. You could hold a conversation with someone thinking they're a Democrat while they think you're a Republican, and both would walk away glad to have found a like-minded person.