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hi hello some thoughts and personal beliefs.

i regret to inform you that you have probably created one of the more interesting communities to me, and i will almost certainly be back. I have a lot of thoughts in regards to living life to a productively healthy state. anyway, for the first post, since it's late and i have things to be doing, I'll be keeping this short.

I believe that in order to mutually benefit other people in a positive manner, I.E. positively impact others lives. That you must be happy and fulfilled yourself, much like maslows hierarchy of needs. You must first be content and happy with your life, before you can extend it to other people.

Tonight's message is that indulging in selfish behaviors can be productive, you just need to know when to apply them.

Too much of society is focused on how you can benefit others, or be collectively productive for society, rather than allowing you to grow as an individual. Which often times benefits society greatly.