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The remains of Inverleigh Station

I have a thing for stations which are basically just cute little sheds

  • Bonus photos:

  • I also have a thing for old buildings which have a kind of aesthetic in their disuse and decrepitude. I occasionally frequent those abandoned/urbex subs because I have always found old buildings pleasing to the eye. My suburb of well kept older houses is being overrun by shitty grey dogbox units and grey rendered townhouses grumbles oldpersonly

    • Although I understand the need for more housing and reducing the size of unnecessarily large houses, it does make me a little sad sometimes. When I lived in st Albans, most of the larger houses were owned by angry old people without much family, so it made me a little sad seeing them get knocked down 3 weeks after they died and turned into 4 ugly cookie cutter units. But I guess it was the human side making me sad more than the housing side

      I'm a huge fan of those small little houses without driveways in the inner city suburbs though. If I could afford to live anywhere with those types of houses, I would 100% choose a smaller house

      • I know the little houses you mean, I like that style. There's a lot of craftsmanship in some of them. Mainly the problem I have with most new housing is that it's those cookie cutter houses with the appalling build quality, ugly and with no craftsmanship. I'm sure more people would choose smaller houses or higher density living if the build quality was exceptional, instead of the cheap builds that they charge top dollar for. So over that grey!

  • It has a certain rustic charm.

    • "A rustic fixer upper with bounds of potential! Enjoy a beautiful view of the empty lands behind the train tracks - with no houses to get in your way, you can see and wander miles before. Rent starting at $2400/PW, or own it yourself for just $7,362,000."