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Freerunner is amazing!

I just played freerunner for the first time and managed to ascend to the surface with the amulet with 12 healing potions left, and several food items. My build was +6 plate armor with glyph of brimstone, +7 glaive with lightning enchant, +2 wand of blasting, +4 blazing wand (or whatever it's called), +2 ring of haste, +3 ring of ferver (or whatever the attack speed one is called). It was so easy and awesome! I'd light the whole room on fire, then just run backwards and hit things with the glaive while out of range. Death Mark provided a fair amount of shielding and crowd control after the Dwarf King. I did have a ring of wealth earlier in the game and got really good drops, but this class is really strong if you get some good support gear. The movement speed alone lets you disengage from fights you don't want to take, lets you avoid damage, and prevents starvation. I had a whip until the demon halls and that also worked well with the play style. Overall I think it's my new favorite class.