Honestly this is pretty amazing. Didn't know one could easily buy that, would have reconsidered my Logitech purchase, haha.
Is it possible to have a volume control button?
Is it possible to have lighted keys?
Does it support Bluetooth, WiFi, and cable? (3 machines)
Dies the software allow building macros?
Functionally, they're not very different. The CZ has onboard controllers so over all, it's thinners, it has a e-ink display so it burn less battery. The Corne uses separate wireless controller (bluemicro840), so I have to design a case around this controller, thus making the case thicker and less refined than the CZ. It also can use an e-ink screen (the nice!view), but it's not very easy to find, so I stick with OLED screens. My version can accommodate a huge battery so it can last months event with OLED screens.
Cool, thanks for the description! I’m interested in buying a pre built keyboard optimized for traveling. Which configuration would you recommend from your site?
Question - is the low profile enclosed aluminum corne case compatible with any of the standard corne PCBs? I have a bunch of v2 boards already assembled, and am considering case options.
If you're ready to loose the oled screens, then yes it should fit. I designed this for the choc version, and on the choc version, the holes for the oled is a bit closer to the promicro than on the cherry version. And if you install the cherry pcb on this, the oled holes are obstructed by a piece of the case, thus cannot fit properly. If you loose the oled screens, they should fit nicely.