You know when you have a discussion or confrontation, and six hours later you realize what you should have said? My superpower would be the wits to always think of the right thing immediately.
To be able to hear the soundtrack. Like, if I walk into a building and hear the Psycho “reep reep!” I’ll get the hell out. But if I walk into that same building and hear “bow chicka bow wow”, I’m staying.
Anything that would be improved by paint is on the table at a thought.
Likely way to powerful in a combat sense. You could tag enemy combatiants on a battlefield in dayglo orange or turn the whole landscape into that zebra ship paint they used in ww2. Hell, you could just turn everything bright white during the day and black at night except the enemy. Would be a nightmare.
When in an argument I want the ability to know what my opponent has to say in advance so I can always interrupt and finish their sentences. Every single one of them.
Not quite mind control, but I'd like the ability to blast common sense into morons minds by looking at them. Like a psychic mind dart that says, "maybe this line has a purpose and I should get in queue instead of trying to force my way in from the outside" or "maybe I should listen to the sign that says 'don't put your kid on a railing above tiger enclosure.'"
I'd like to relax people around me, make them happy and communicative. Imagine entering public transport during rush hour, and all of a sudden, everyone around you puts away the phone and people start to talk to eachother, with a smile on their face.
Only needing an hour or two of sleep per night, but getting all the rejuvenating effects of a perfect night’s sleep. I hope I would be productive with that time.
1 pound telekinesis in my line of sight. You won't be opening any safes or stealing anyone's gun, but you can do plenty of incredible stuff with even the weakest supernatural power.
I think I would be robbing casinos and thumbing the scale all over the place. It doesn't take much to make marginal opportunities into steady gains if you can cheat physics and break probability.
Is breathing underwater too exceptional? I’d settle for charging batteries by holding them, or the ability to revive/kill plants that I touch (my choice, not some random thing or King Midas curse)
Take a mental note that I could review later without worry of forgetting it, for times when jotting something down normally isn’t practical such as while driving.
The ability to turn most traffic lights green (not all of them just, like 90%), would basically be the reverse of my current super power of turning most traffic lights red
Exactly once a month, I find a 20 on the ground. It can be anytime of the month and it can only be once a month. How great a feeling to find a 20 on the ground and no one is around?
The 20s are coming from scumbag people like jerks who don’t pick up their dogs poop or are mean to customer service people.
Not require sleep, ever, with no ill effects (fatigue, mental issues, shortened lifespan, etc).
So much time is wasted sleeping. I have too much shit to do! It's 2am because I was up getting some code working for another team at work, and we just moved, so I have tons of unpacking to do!
The ability to control the temperature (and perhaps humidity and/or composition too) of air within 1mm of my body. Like a personal air conditioner. Would make going outside right now so much more bearable, pretty sure it would help with sleep too... Sigh, one can dream...
To be able to stockpile time up to 24 hours. For example, if I'm running late on a project, I can dip into a time stockpile for 8 hours to get it done. At a later time I can then lose 8 hours from my time
know how to do anything, but lose all memory of the thing when trying to do it, tell anyone, or record it.
ability to shapeshift, but your bones and muscles are going to hurt like hell. You think breaking a bone is bad? Try having all the bones in your face rearrange themselves.
The ability to not mind driving a car. Like whenever I need to drive somewhere, I just completely black out and my body drives perfectly while my mind is full out. Then my mind awakens as soon as I arrive hand have finished parking.
Invisibility, with ability to hide IR and sound and can make recording video cameras invisible too. I'd expose all the corrupt politicians, judges, and CEOs!
The ability to know if a fruit is going to taste good just by holding it. Perhaps being able to experience the taste of it (when it ripens) by holding it. Perhaps also being able to tell peak ripeness. But that may be op. I’d settle for the first part.
I'd want a pen or pencil to come out of my fingertip. Retractable, of course. I'm always looking for something to write with and never can find anything that works decently.
Weak earth-bending. Like just enough to like dig garden furrows or build sand castles. Even at the same speed that it would take with hand tools it would be pretty fun to mess around with.
I'd take perfect aim when throwing something. You always hit the garbage can, you're unstoppable playing darts. You never miss flinging a playing card at your friends.
You don’t have enough faith,” Jesus told them. “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.”(Matthew 17:20)
Being able to choose the best fruits/vegetables when shopping for groceries. No more moldy Avocados.
I know that there are indicators that I can already use to determine this, but I want to be able to just pick the best ones every time on first try without even thinking or touching them all.
I already have a minor superpower. Sort of a weak form of telepathy. I can alter people’s thoughts and emotional state with my mind.
As for how my best guess is I got abducted by aliens and they altered me somehow. I do have a bunch of small identical scars scattered around my body.
As for why, I’m not sure. I suspect it might be a scientific study of human morality. Hopefully I’m giving them a good view of humanity with how I use it.
I only use it to help people. I can help people calm down when they’re panicking. I even did it with a dog once: it was a little dog in a shopping cart and it seemed terrified of everything so I just transmitted what it’s like to realize everything’s okay, and immediately the dog stopped shivering and looked around with wide eyes of wonder, then looked at me. There you go little guy.
I’m in sales, and I never use my powers to swing a sale. That’s unethical.
My favorite use of the powers is to enhance parties and concerts. Thought recently I’ve been toning that down too because it’s also kind of unethical. I do feel like operating on a crowd bothers me less than operating on a person.
I went to Ninja Sex Party in Boulder last fall and I helped drive the crowd wild. They said we were their best crowd ever and they’d never had a better concert.
If the DJ sucks I can just activate more of his brain and suddenly he’s on fire. If someone’s looking threatening toward me I can just instill a little irrational fear of me. Their mind fills in the details: “why am I suddenly afraid of that little guy? He must have powerful friends, or I’m being watched or something”
Overall, having a superpower is really weird because people don’t think it exists, and I can’t talk about it without being labeled crazy.
An infinite money credit card would be pretty small, I think.
But I get it. I would honestly just pick an ability like being able to match other people's problems with the ideal solution if one already exists closeby. So, say, someone comes to me looking for a job, and I just magically happen to know exactly of a phone number for a company that needs them. Someone looking for love, and I just happen to know that if we walk down a certain street and make a certain joke, someone else will overhear and love it. I would eventually have a reputation.