Yakuza Kiwami: 100%
Yakuza Kiwami: 100%

I began the series with Yakuza 0 on PC Game Pass. Then after finding out they were coming to steam I decided to continue the journey there. Yakuza as a franchise needs no introduction, if you've watched any gameplay video on YouTube, you know what I'm talking about.
About the game itself I really liked the combat. Tiger dropping enemies in late game never got old lol. But I did not like the race car minigame and mesuking mini game (mesuking's music was a banger though).
The achievements themselves were not too hard to obtain, but some of them required a lot of grinding. Also, the game got me hooked on mahjong. I even ended up downloading Mahjong Soul because of it.
After this one I decided to try to100% the whole series, but I'm going at it really slowly, only recently started Yakuza 3.
Edit: Lost signal when submitting and had to write the post again 🙃