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/kbin Seraph

Unmoderated and now extremely delayed federation - is it time to move?

First, I think Ernest has done a fantastic job and I've been rooting for him this whole time. But it's becoming clear it's all too much for him without the support of a larger team.

Over the last several months there have been multiple posts about the spam problems on this instance, both here and on other instances. We've been fortunate so far they haven't simply defederated us.

Now when I go to the Hot page it's 12 hours out of date.

It's with a heavy heart I looked into a kbin fork mentioned in another thread in this magazine: Mbin.


Instance list:

The largest instance:

I'll miss you Kbin. It's been good. Thanks Ernest!

It's not the purpose of this post to support any particular instance. Feel free to mention your own alternatives below.


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  • Kbin just has the best frontpage honestly, content wise and UI wise.

    • When Kbin isn’t working I check out Lemmy but it just feels too cluttered. If I didn’t need to get paid I’d help Ernest out but, ya know, capitalism 🤷‍♂️

      • Many of the lemmy instances have two or more front-ends available. I find with the dark them and "List" post style looks pretty nice. There's at least one that just simply replicates old reddit.

        • Can you say "fag" on yet or is a huge list of words that get replaced by " [REMOVED] " still hardcoded over there?

          • Do y'all not like pertinent-to-the-conversation questions about hardcoded word bans on some of these platforms or are the downvotes on the above post due to issues y'all take with fags reclaiming and self-referring using anti-them slurs?

            • For me, you saying "hey, can I use slurs over there yet? Specifically, ___" is a bit like the dudebros that yell out "Equal rights, equal fights!" as they pretend to punch a woman ... like ... why the fuck did your mind go there immediately ... it's a bit disconcerting.

              Had you said something like "Do they still have the hardcoded blocked words, still? I used to laugh whenever someone from England tried to mention cigarettes and it gets [REMOVED]! Haven't seen that in a while though" I don't think you'd have gotten the downvotes.

              Just my opinion, others may have had different reasons to dislike your comment.

              ETA: Your other comment wasn't showing before. You identify as the word and want to be able to use it and not have it be labeled as hate speech when it's against yourself ... So ... I'll update my "had you said" to "Hey, are they still redacting fag over there? We're trying to take that word back into the community (similar to how queer has largely been taken back) and it's real fucking hard when it's [REMOVED]!" instead.