Apple still sells expensive "Pro" computers with just 8GB of RAM and charges a fortune for more.
Apple’s MacBook Pro memory problem is worse than ever::Apple still sells expensive "Pro" computers with just 8GB of RAM and charges a fortune for more.
I’m positive the minimum went up to 16gb like a generation or two back. It’s sickening that they went back over.
I have a couple of work MacBooks with 8gb for managers and they often complain of them going slow as molasses when having a good few tabs open in chrome. I’m talking less then 10 though, but heavy sites like email and AdWords and other horrible sites.
Also don't underestimate all of the background services that the IT department loads: email certificate managers, VPN client, DLP client, backup client, endpoint protection, etc.
I noticed the other day that each jira cloud tab takes about 250-350MB of ram. For just viewing a single ticket too! Still doesn't add up to 8GB but ten tabs of that would eat up a good chunk of that.