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Turkey Tail

Was walking through the woods today and saw these mushrooms growing on a fallen tree. I thought they looked very pretty.

Never tried to ID a mushroom outside a grocery store before, but it looks like turkey tail.


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  • Very nice picture! I like trying to ID and photograph shrooms when I'm hiking as well. And collect when it's legal and positive ID.

    • I've gotten a few cool mushroom pics, I love the variety of shapes and colors you can find. I got a really neat bright orange one before, otherwise this is probably the prettiest one I've seen.

      There's been a lot of fallen trees on our property this year, so I'll have to keep my eyes open!

      • Bright orange can be really cool. Could be jack o'lanterns (which I have found but never actually got to see glow) or chicken of the the woods which I have found and ate, have some in my freezer right now in fact. Or they could be totally different depending on time and location.