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/kbin meta minnieo

meme i made that is also very true for me lol


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  • I upvote my own stuff because on reddit something having 0 upvotes means someone downvoted it, so i associate having 0 points as "bad" even though that doesn't make sense here because downvotes are shown separately :D force of habit

    • i actually love that downvotes are shown separately and i hope that never changes. on reddit, i grew accustomed to glancing at the rating and allowing it to determine my opinion of the comment, whether subconsciously or not, which is wrong and usually unfair due to mass downvoting (1 downvote brings an onslaught of downvotes). on kbin though, the fact that they are separated changes how i perceive comments a lot, i view them way more neutrally and hardly pay attention to the score. nice change of pace

      • Reddit allowed you to see the exact number of upvotes and downvotes until 2014, and it had a similar effect to how it is over here. It feels great to have them back!