ChatGPT led me to tunsafe however the project seems to be abandoned?
I'm trying to find ways to convert wireguard traffic into plain HTTPS so as to not trigger some advanced DPI. So far, I have come across udp2raw and updtunnel which convert the traffic to TCP, but AFAIK the SSL used in Wireguard triggers DPIs.
Does anyone have a workaround? Thanks!
Everyone, there seems to be a way go achieve this:
Wireguard (change port to 443) + udp2raw or udptunnel to convert packets to TCP + stunnel (configured on both client and server - used by OpenVPN to encapsulate traffic in TLS).
This is basically what OpenVPN does, and theoretically this should do OK. I haven't tested it however, so if you have, please let us know!
I have heard of shadowsocks for this purpose. I have not tried it myself but I recall having read it being used to hide VPN traffic behind the great firewall. A brief intro to it here:
Keep in mind there's another very easy method to mess with wg traffic: breaking the connection once every 30 seconds or so. This won't affect the vast majority of real HTTPS connections but will ruin long lived connections like ssh or streaming.
Would breaking a TCP session every 30 seconds be OK for something like video streaming/content browsing?
I wonder if I can automate the breaking and forming of session on clients. Hopefully Android has something that will let me do this, I'm sure I can figure something out on Linux