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  • Anyone who's from the Global South will want them extinct, me included.

    As for the pollinator thing, if we're going through the effort to eradicate all mosquitos, we can put the same effort towards breeding and releasing replacements that don't spread malaria, dengue and all the other horrible ailments that these things spread. They are the number one killer of humans besides humans, this alone seals it for me.

    • They already do massive mosquito control in some areas of the world and the impact to local wildlife is null. They don't pollinate anything that isn't also pollinated by other insects. There are in fact many similar insects that fill the void left when mosquitoes disappear, and those insects don't spread diseases. Those same insects become food for creatures in place of the mosquitoes as well. Idk about eliminating ALL mosquito varieties ever but I do support culling a great many of them.

      • I get the feeling that the only people who think mosquitos shouldn't be eradicated are those who didn't have to suffer through several terrible summers dealing with them. Take any one of these lucky people and make them spend a week in sub-Saharan Africa in July, I'd expect their tune to change.

        • I do see where some of them are coming from at least. Humans do have a history of really fucking shit up. It's like the one thing humans excel at naturally. Lol. I think people are looking at like we would do so many other times where not enough research and proper implementation is planned. I only support this because we do have quite a bit of data already on it and additionally only supporting it being carried out in the most thorough and well researched manner possible.

          Also yeah, coming from the extremely humid and uncontrolled areas of the US I fucking cannot stand mosquitoes. I legitimately cannot imagine what it's like in areas where malaria is a real threat. I get why you would be ready to see them gone. lol

        • And it's not just the constant itching and irritation. Ask if they'd feel the same way if their extended family's risk of contracting Dengue Fever was >0 and their access to treatment for it <0. Amazingly, your attitude to mosquitoes changes when you have friends and family that are dead because of them.

    • I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiment as a global south citizen! Life is different with mosquitoes around. And it's not a good kind of different.