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Hamas’s Attack Confounds Middle East Experts Hamas’s Attack Confounds Middle East Experts

Even those who understand the fundamentalist group best are struggling to understand what they are trying to achieve.

Hamas’s Attack Confounds Middle East Experts

Hamas’s Attack Confounds Middle East Experts

Even those who understand the fundamentalist group best are struggling to understand what they are trying to achieve.

By Isabel Fattal

Israel is at war, and has ordered a complete siege of Gaza after Hamas’s surprise attack on Saturday. Hamas is holding at least 150 hostages, and more than 900 Israelis and more than 600 Palestinians have been killed. As we continue to follow these developments, we’ll take a step back today to focus on Hamas, its aims, and its influence on the region. ** What Is Hamas?**

Hamas, an Islamist fundamentalist group formed in 1987 as an offshoot of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, has controlled the Gaza Strip since it won Palestinian legislative elections in 2006—the last time elections were held in Gaza. These elections took place a year after Israel withdrew its soldiers and settlers from Gaza. In 2007, Hamas ousted its rival political party, Fatah, from the strip during a military conflict within Gaza. Hamas is designated as a terrorist organization by the United States, Israel, the European Union, Canada, Egypt, and Japan.

What are the group’s long-term goals? First, “what every political party would want in their own country … ascendancy and supremacy,” the historian Arash Azizi told me. “It wants to be the most popular Palestinian party.” Second, Hamas is a member of the Axis of Resistance, Azizi noted. As he explained in The Atlantic yesterday, this unofficial alliance of groups supported by the Islamic Republic of Iran includes Houthis in Yemen, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and several Iraqi and Syrian militias. These groups share key goals, Azizi explained: “the destruction of Israel” and the driving out of all the Jewish people living in the country. Finally, despite the fact that Palestinians “are amongst the most secular societies in the Arab world,” Hamas—a Sunni Islamist party—also wants “an Islamic society.” How it prioritizes between these three goals is a different question, Azizi noted.

The group seeks the elimination of Israel as a country—a point of contrast between it and the Palestine Liberation Organization. (The PLO’s official position holds that a Palestinian state could be created in the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem, though the former PLO chairman Yasser Arafat walked away from American-led negotiations meant to create such a state.) Taken as a collective, Hamas is “a Palestinian nationalist, anti-Israeli, anti-Semitic, and Islamist organization,” Azizi said. But “like all parties in the world, Hamas is not united … There are certainly parts of Hamas that do not have these more extreme goals.” Some factions, particularly those linked to the devout Palestinian middle class, are “not interested in fighting the Israelis this way, or in alliance with Iran,” he said. “Under the right circumstances, they might even accept, form, and run a state of Palestine without the destruction of Israel … But clearly the faction [of Hamas] that Iran has given a lot of power to is not the latter faction.”

The Hamas charter of 1988 laid out a brazenly anti-Semitic mission. The charter stated: “The Islamic Resistance Movement aspires to the realisation of Allah’s promise, no matter how long that should take. The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said: ‘The Day of Judgment will not come until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.’” As The Atlantic’s editor in chief, Jeffrey Goldberg, noted in 2014, “This is a frank and open call for genocide, embedded in one of the most thoroughly anti-Semitic documents you’ll read this side of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” Hamas issued a new charter in 2017, which retains the group’s refusal to recognize Israel’s right to exist but removes some of the boldest anti-Jewish statements from the 1988 version. However, many Hamas officials have espoused equally strong anti-Semitic statements in the years since this new charter was released.

Key to understanding Hamas is the fact that its goals and those of the Gazan people are not necessarily in alignment. The Gazan people live under an Israeli blockade, backed by Egypt, that severely restricts the movement of goods and people in and out of the region; under Hamas rule, Gazans have reported repression and arbitrary arrests, and Human Rights Watch has chronicled what it calls systemic abuse on the part of Hamas in Gaza. In recent years, Gazan citizens have shown growing discontent with Hamas’s policies. According to The Times of Israel, a 2022 poll found that 53 percent of Gazans agree at least somewhat that Hamas should stop calling for Israel’s destruction; a 2022 Palestinian public-opinion poll found that 71 percent of Palestinians believe there is corruption in Hamas institutions. “We have no idea” how much of the population of Gaza Hamas represents, Thanassis Cambanis, a senior fellow at the Century Foundation, told me, because “there have not been elections there in decades. They’re not a unifying national movement.”

Azizi also reminded me that when Gaza held its last election, in 2006, only 44 percent of Palestinians voted for Hamas: “It won the election by a plurality, not a majority.” Right now, Azizi argued, Hamas is likely more popular in the West Bank than it is in Gaza; “it’s the force that has been fighting Israel, the country that has been putting Gaza under siege, but at the same time, people of Gaza look at Hamas and see a corrupt ruling authority.” Some Palestinians within Gaza have repeatedly protested Hamas, particularly over the past six months, Azizi noted. The Palestinian public-opinion poll from 2022 found that 54 percent of Gazans believe they cannot criticize Hamas’s authority without fear.

Hamas does not represent the whole of the Palestinian people—far from it. But observers of these attacks shouldn’t ignore the role of the broader Israeli-Palestinian relationship. “The decades-long delusion that Israel could ignore, manage, shrink, or simply forget its conflict with its Palestinian neighbors has been a costly blunder,” Azizi wrote in The Atlantic yesterday. “The Iranian regime is arming Palestinians and driving them toward its own murderous agenda vis-à-vis Israelis. But Israel’s continued subjugation of Palestinians is what allows such a festering wound to exist in the first place, giving Tehran an easy issue to exploit.”

What does Hamas want from this latest, unprecedented round of attacks? A spokesperson for the terror group has said that it wants to “liberate all Palestinian prisoners” from Israel and end Israel’s “provocations” in the West Bank and Jerusalem, specifically at Al-Aqsa Mosque. But the experts I spoke with struggled to understand how Saturday’s brutal attacks will help Hamas achieve its stated aims. “It’s hard for me to put my analytical hat on and figure out why Hamas would view this in their interest, because it’s so surely going to be terrible for them and for all the people in Gaza and probably the West Bank as well,” Cambanis told me. “It somewhat defies my 20 years of understanding how they operate.”

“This Hamas victory might prove Pyrrhic,” Natan Sachs wrote in The Atlantic on Saturday. “In fact, Hamas itself might have been surprised by the extent of its initial success. The trauma in Israel today should give pause to those thinking that Israel will simply acquiesce to a short tit for tat. As bad as things have been in Gaza in the past two decades—and they have been terrible—the coming weeks could prove even worse.”


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  • I only glanced at that, & saw the ascendency/supremacy items...

    Any moron can see that the dark-pentad...

    { Narcissism; Machiavellianism; Psychopathy; Nihilism; Sadism } being more-and-more explored & pushed by various factional-supremacists throughout our world...

    "Mutually Assured Destruction" .. is ONLY a deterrant when BOTH sides DON'T assume that God is going to obediently reward them for "martyring" themselves, with other-souls/CellsOfGod made into personal-slaves for them, for all Eternity.

    Hamas's aim is Mutually Assured Destruction: Nihilism, with religious-reward from the GiverOfAllSouls supposedly rewarding them for their Nihilism-enforcement.

    The "Christian" apocalyptic-nihilists are on the same wavelength, btw.

    The Yang Unravelling stage of this Great Filter either has begun, or is about-to begin, between now & spring 2025...

    There should be only 4 factions/empires left on the planet by 2033, and then the Hammerfall stage of The Great Filter begins, and should last for about 1/2 or so century, before terrestrial & marine food-webs collapse... maybe less than 1/2 century, but it won't be a mere-decade...

    For all who believe that ICBM's are going to settle everything in mere-days, Kessler Syndrome is going to rip the rug out from all aerospace force-projection, right in the 1st few hours, if not minutes, of Hammerfall-stage.

    It's like hollering into a building hurricane: nobody is going to believe ANY of this, until it has already become historical-fact, and even-then, it'll be denied by the world's majority: ideological-addiction/prejudice is a drug stronger than crack?

    Non-objectivity is a mental-illness our cultures have made their beloved-drugs. And our lives are going to pay the price for that ignoring/denying, a thousandfold.

    : \

    • Understood most of your comment, but I won’t lie I don’t understand the Yang Unravelling or Hammerfall reference in regards to the Great Filter. Did a Google search but found no results to clarify. What exactly are those?

      • It reads like a schizophrenic rant... 🫤

      • Those are the natures of the phases of The Great Filter:

        from top to bottom:

        • AnimalsAndTribesTime ( the StalkGrowingTime, of the people-of-the-corn, the future LivingPeace time being the FloweringTime, in their prophecies/predictions ), Unconsciously Wasting Opportunity, Potential, Resources, Time, etc ( last few millenia )

        • Predicting the inevitable and inescapable circumstances in The Great Filter ( the Christian bible's "Revelations" and "Daniel" & other stuff, some Indigenous prophecy, like The Great Purification, & the one with the everybody-in-the-forest-is-panicking-and-the-whole-forest-is-burning, which is symbolic, etc... )

        • an "Age" ( a "Day" as a thousand years, followed by a "Night" as a thousand years, aka approx 2 millenia ) passes after the earliest of those predictions/prophecies, blossoming into...

        • An Industrial Age, industriously butchering the ecology, the climate-basis, EVERYthing, thus enforcing what the scientifically-testable-prediction/prophecy predicted, for possession-of-dollars...

        multiple transformations, accelerating, eventually 1 of those becoming a tipping-point, that is...

        • The Yin Unravelling, when ignoring/denying and the assumed-entitlement underlying it, "protects" the spiritual/progressive population, while the herd-authority-BULLING factional-supremacists, of all kinds, work at setting-up the decapitation of all governance ( began a few decades ago )

        • The Yang Unravelling, when SUDDENLY rampaging military butchery is empire-building globally, and at the end of this phase 4 empires/alliances remain on the world ( this has to do with the unconscious-mind Rule of 3: it isnt possible for a normal limbic or brainstem mind to track more than 3 things, I saw a Nature article on their site about salamanders having this 3-thing-limit, so self+3-others becomes the planetary-limit due to a psychological LAW underlying possibly all vertebrates ).

        This stage takes ( on this world ) 7 years. Since I expect this stage to begin in the January of 2025, when Trump is crowned GEOTUS ( this is truly-sad, but if you go to and you search for GEOTUS, you will be landed on the Donald Trump page. "GEOTUS" stands for "God Emperor Of The United States". Exactly what Daniel predicted, back when Buddha was kicking around ) :

        Israel is going to be annihilated then.

        It is probable that with Trump gutting NATO, & siding with Russia, most of East Europe will become possession of Russia, who, themselves, will be owned by the CCP who financially own Russia, right now, and increasingly, too...

        Asia is going to be smashed by CCP, in the Yang Unravelling.

        Africa? Smashed by the one that Eternity ( or the meditations dwelling deep within it, whichever ) calls "The Demon King", turned partly into a worshiping-of-that-king and a mountain-of-murders.

        The West? civil-wars, civil "schizophrenia" tearing it to shreds, going nowhere.

        • Hammerfall, when ALL enforcement-of-violence, through ALL means, owns EVERYTHING in the world.

        This, obviously, is what ww3 aka "The Great Purification" ( Indigenous, 9+ centuries old prophecy/prediction ) or "THE Valley Of Death" refers to.

        Because Kessler-Syndrome gets enforced by all sides, the very beginning of Hammerfall phase, then it turns immediately into a grinding war-of-attrition, globally.

        It will go on for multiple decades, probably tending-towards 1/2 century.

        • Ecological-collapse, of both terrestrial & marine food-webs, is guaranteed late this-century, given our rabid butchery of it, for a few temporary dollars: multiplying the butchery-of-food-web by ww3 makes it impossible that it won't happen, this century.

        I've no idea what the proper-naming-of-this-stage's-essence is, yet.

        TimeOfBillionsOfDeaths ( a very-few years, since you can't postpone nutritional-requirement, unlike a particular-territory's-battle ) would be a sane name for that phase, but Eternity will speak its meaning, whenever it does.

        • Some kind of transformation happens, later, but the war-of-attrition continues grinding, until factional-herdbeast-bulling-supremacism is extinguished, whether anybody-else survives, or not, planetwide...

        • I expect no more than 1.5% of humankind to be living into next-century's possible, but not guaranteed "LivingPeace".

        Both Jewish & Christian bibles contradict me, saying 1/3rd survive Hammerfall & TimeOfBillionsOfDeaths, but .. they don't actually identify what fraction survives the whole thing, do they?

        The Christian version only identifies that 2/3rds of the planet's population dies, during some part of the whole catastrophy.

        Therefore, 1 or the other is guaranteed to be wrong, simply because you can't have 2 identical-fractions of death for 2 different scopes of time, around this century... the scope that includes more of the butchery, all the phases, should have a higher-number, arithmetically, right?

        The names I'm certain-of, I didn't invent: they just were, themselves, and I eventually either found them, in the Eternity-dwelling meditations, or was told them, and they fit.

        Like when somebody pointed-out that the term translated in Christian bibles' Revelations as "harlot" and "whore" is also "strumpet", in Rev's referring to "the Jezebel".

        ( check any thesaurus of English for the truth of that, btw )

        Anyways, since you actually cared to understand, I hope this clarifies what I currently find to be true, whether it proves-out or not.

        Kaizen requires that one relentlessly improve one's current-view based-on-evidence, right?

        & Scientific Method requires letting the evidence speak its Truth, right?

        : )

        Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen, Hoomin!

        ( :