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Build recs for solo Isolation Vaults

Hey folks, I was hoping to get some advice on a build that can solo Iso Vaults for Necraloid rep. My best primary is a Kuva Bramma that can handle all the regular enemies. I just need to figure out a good combination of secondary and melee that can handle the necramech boss at the end. Based on the stats on the wiki, would a corrosive damage melee weapon be good? Probably coupled with a high status secondary with blast damage? Thanks in advance.


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  • I'm pretty sure mechs are weak to radiation and immune to status. You want something hard hitting with a wide aoe like the catchmoon, arca plasmor, stropha, and I'm sure the nataruk would work. They'd make hitting the weak points easier. You'd probably be okay with a good shotgun or redeemer prime (I haven't tried myself, but I see no reason it wouldn't work).

    I'm sure you could do the job with any warframe as long as you're comfortable with it, but subsuming silence onto your frame is a good idea. It turns off mech abilities turning them into sitting ducks. I also can't not recommend invisible warframes because mechs can't kill what they can't see. Or use revenant for easy immortality and some cc.

    My set up is octavia because of her cc and invisibility with silence over her rolling ball. Primary is an explosive aoe, secondary is whatever, and melee is stropha to deal with the mech.