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What's the correct way to link to a community on a different instance?

Say I want to link to community x on instance How do I post this so that someone from instance will end up at, but someone from ends up on


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  • With Lemmy it's !
    From kbin it's the same but with an @ instead of !. @technology
    IDK how others have search set up. There may not be a way

    • I'm not sure that's correct. When I click your first link, it's going to! What OP wants is a way to post the link and (in my case) go to

    • Did you mean to link that specifically to kbin?

      • No. Just an example, but I used this sub after editing my comment

        • Well from what it looks like, on my instance, is that your ! is linking to!

          I think what OP is after, is a way to make it link to the reader's own instanced version of

          I was under the impression that the exclamation mark was designed to do exactly that: take everything after the ! and interpret the community@instance.example into whatever the user's instance uses for links (m for kbin, c for lemmy).

          • Some day there will be a standard link style... for now it seems like a huge mess :'D The ! doesn't work on kbin (for me, at least), nor do links with c/ where we use m/, but the @-link does, which is neat considering I'd not found any short link style that did until seeing that one :'D Seems like others think the !-link is the thing to do, some give absolute links, some try other things besides. Growing pains, teething issues... might as well say "wheee" while the ride's still bumpy .

            • I did some investigation into this in, but stopped short of actually fixing it or spinning up an instance to investigate further, as just didn't really have the time and energy (and haven't yet).

              Fixing the ! links probably isn't too hard, but I'm not one to try anything without being able to run it. And really there should be an alias for /c/. I haven't used Symfony so can't tell if it's as easy as I hoped. I've had countless times where I thought something would be easy but it turned out hard and vice versa...