At one point in time I could probably have been convinced to try a lot of things. Fortunately for me (probably) Salvia Divinorum was the first thing I tried after marijuana, and it so thoroughly destroyed any notion I had that I could control my experience that it put me off trying just about everything else I was curious about.
Thank god the entire experience is single digit minutes.
I’ve long been interested in this and dph for the large number of “don’t do it” stories. Same with h, but that one tends to be “don’t do it because it’s so good”.
Don’t think I ever will, but stories like yours always give me a tingle.
Clearly for some folks it's great. I dunno maybe I just wasn't in the right frame of mind. It hits you all at once, there is no buildup, and that may have contributed to me freaking out.
Don't get me wrong, I intended my comment as a warning, but with a trusted sitter in a safe space maybe someone else will have a better first time.
My understanding is it's not a particularly high risk drug, despite how intensely it kicks you (or at least me) in the face. (but again, don't take my word for it)
Yeah it was rough. But in the same sense that I'm glad I didn't own a sportbike when I was young (because I'm certain I'd have hurt myself or others with it at that age), it's probably not a bad thing that I got some firm discouragement against that kind of experimentation. It didn't end my experimentation, but it certainly helped me realize I wasn't immortal.
(I do none of that kind of thing for decades now. Just nothing I want to mess with these days.)
Oh man, I think it’s a fantastic and intense single digit minute experience.
My first time I turned into a big red and white circus tent. The stretching out I experienced was fucking crazy, and I screamed in laughter and horror. It was wild.
I can understand it not being someone’s cup of tea, but the hysterical laughter has been in every salvia trip I’ve done.
I had no hallucinations - they may have been inhibited by my absolute panic.
It was a very long time ago for me but from what I can recall -
I felt immediately mostly disconnected from my body, and like I was constantly falling or about to fall. I essentially laid there starfished on the bed telling myself over and over that it was supposed to be really short and wondering if I'd just killed myself until it passed, then got up and decided I'd never touch that shit again.
It's a reference to Tool's "Rosetta Stoned". Its protagonist tells a wild story how on a drug trip he met some wise aliens who shared some very important message with him. But sadly he forgot his pen, so he couldn't write it down, and forgot all. Consequently, like your partner, he came back pretty pissed off (or soiled, you might say).
But hey, getting secret alien knowledge on how to play the flute is still a positive, so good for your guy.
Interesting. I will check it out. ST: TNG is the only Star Trek I've enjoyed, and I have watched only a few full episodes, like a century ago, so I was gearing for a rewatch anyway.
Well, that was a good watch, and I definitely hadn't watched this exact one! Thanks, internet stranger, you might have just rekindled my love of TNG. Now, on to some other episodes, this time in order.
Wow, you got right on that, hahaha. Nice. :) I think I've seen most of the TNG episodes, TNG is my fave of the ST series, and that might be my most memorable episode because it's so unlike the others, and just a darn good story. Enjoy the rest!
Whoa, I just listened to the Tool song and it is a trip... thanks for that.
It's a great episode and late in the show - I'd suggest don't skip to it. IIRC it's an episode that will hit harder if you have seen everything that led up to that point. (Which will make sense when you see it.)