Dungeon Master and Dimension 20 host Brennan Lee Mulligan visits WIRED to answer the internet's burning questions about Dungeons & Dragons. What are Brennan's tips for first time DMs? How do you make compelling characters? What does someone need to get started playing Dungeons & Dragons? What's the most accurate representation of DnD in pop culture? Answers to these questions and many more await on Dungeons & Dragons Support.
0:00 DnD Support
0:15 Most iconic monster
1:04 A great DnD character design tip
1:54 Friendship
2:54 Getting started with DnD
5:03 The best representation of DnD in pop culture?
6:23 Practicing your girl voice
7:20 How DnD alignments work
8:36 Paladins, Warlocks, and Sugar Daddies
9:21 Squish squish
9:51 I think he has dice but he’s afraid to show them to anyone
12:49 Fudging
14:04 The DnD golden rule
14:37 Favorite DnD character race and class combo
15:46 How do you handle a tpk?
17:05 But first, the tavern.
17:40 First time dungeon master tips
19:09 Critical roll vs Nat 20
20:05 When the dice won’t commit to the bit
21:02 Favorite spell
21:27 Can I play with you guys
22:34 Visiting another person’s campaign
24:30 Favorite magical item
25:09 You know what grinds my gears
26:11 Niche lore
26:59 If anything it’s the opposite
27:40 How much prep?
28:51 How many different editions
29:51 New rules?
30:42 Yee…haw?
31:32 Dungeons and Drag Queens? I’m in.
32:18 What does a Mimic look like when it's not mimicking?