Something that I realized about the fediverse is that you seem to be able to criticize the USA as a whole, but if you criticize the Democrats you get downvoted. Democrats suck they are not sacred cows
Obama and Biden said they'd legalize weed. They didn't. They failed to put abortion rights into the constitution. I mean I can go on these are just off the top of my head.
They are not immune to legit criticism, however it seems like people get the idea that if you criticize democrats that means you are a die hard Trumper or something...
Didn’t close gitmo. Didn’t end the war on terror. Created the same border camps democrats cry at the gates of for political points. Bailed out the perpetrators of one of this countries most high profile and damaging financial crimes because they held rich peoples stock portfolios hostage. Made pointless concessions on the ACA to republicans who never once cross the isle for even the things they want to pass because they’d rather take the credit themselves.
Those are the ones I’m pulling off the top of my head.
Probably because two political parties isn't enough to truly represent the population.
People shit talk non voters, but these are people who found no representation in the two party system. We can change this. We can have more then two political parties. To think otherwise is to think inside the world's smallest box.
Countries with more parties such as those in Western Europe are also electing fascists. The answer doesn't lie in more parties. China has a majority party and it doesn't get people doing the Sieg Heil
Duverger's Law says that as long as we have this system of voting, we're going to have two, and only two, major parties. It has changed once in history: when the Republicans replaced the Whigs. So, that's what you're looking at: either change the system of voting or replace one of the two parties.