Yes, but they kind of support giving Putin everything he wants and are willing to push Ukraine under the bus to aphese Putin.
Sounds like they are pretty close to Putin.
Bullshit. They want Putin to piss off out of Ukraine. According to Die Linke, peace can only be reached when every last russian soldier retreats and the occupied territories are returned to Ukraine. Also, they want further and stricter sanctions against Putin, his puppets and the russian military industrial complex.
Doesn't sounds like they are close to Putin or want to give him anything.
You just can keep construction your BS, that doesn't change that Die Linked opposes Putin and other autocrats. I see no point in furthering this discussion since I don't like running headfirst into brick walls. Bye.
The real reason is you can't argue what im saying.
Look, I don't think the Linke is actually on Putins side. I'm saying they are stupid and doing Putin a favour even if they don't want to. It's the same with the Left in my country.
Also: tankies exist. And often they will exist in the most left party. So it's not completely out there to expect there might be some genuine affection for Putin there.
There is in my country.
Also: tankies exist. And often they will exist in the most left party. So it's not completely out there to expect there might be some genuine affection for Putin there.
But the tankies just left and created their own party, the BSW.
Also I find it stupid to compare two parries from different countries to say they're the same because they lean in the same general direction.
I'm not saying they are the same, but they are both strongly on the left, I checked and they have the same policies, very sensible policies in my opinion. And they both oppose weapon support for Ukraine.
I did a google search and without any problem found groups associating with Die Linke that are tankies. Marx21, Kommunistische platform.
So yeah pretty similar. Both very problematic in the sense of their connection to Russia and Putin.
Dude, let's just end it here. I have no idea where you're from and what party from.your country you're talking about. Neither of us has enough knowledge about each other's party to really talk this out, especially not about the actual processes inside the parties. A quick google search will not give sufficient insights and you refuse to acknowledge viewpoints and insists that do not conform to your superficial judgment, which is really pissing me off. Bye.
I'm asking are they on board with supplying weapons. Do they understand that there is no other way. Or are they so reluctant that they will change their mind when an opportunity for that occurs?
No, that's not what I said. I don't agree with their foreign policy, that being not wanting to give weapons to Ukraine or other countries, but their social policy is very progressive. Labeling them the effectively the same as BSW and AfD is just wrong.
I didn't say they were Nazis, though I think you could certainly make some snide comments on their pacifist hand-wringing being functionally indistinguishable from isolationism or, dare I say, nationalism in the end.
I said they were Putin's barking, cowardly lapdogs who even if they won a majority and got what they wanted domestically would just get their shit kicked in as Putin finishes his repeatedly stated irredentist goal of reconquering the Soviet/Imperial territories.
Which includes parts of Germany.
Their foreign policy gives democratic socialism a bad name, period. Socialists that won't fight fascism tooth and claw wherever it tries to spread deserve to fail.
Their policy on arms exports reads like an ambiguously phrased expression of misguided pacifism. They argue for negotiation and diplomacy, which isn't itself a bad idea, but it requires forcing Putin to the negotiation table in the first place.
Given they also condemn Putin's aggression, I don't think they're his friends, just naive when it comes to the reality of dealing with an autocratic imperialist whose legitimacy as ruler is founded in his appearance of strength.
I don't think international relations is quite so basic as you make it out to be. I've read expert opinions months back already stating that the current rate of attrition would see Putin forced to negotiate sooner or later, but it's hard to call just when. Maybe his willingness to enter talks now indicates desperation while trying to bluff strength still.
In any case, they've made a case for blocking tankers and increasing economic pressure. They're not just looking to abandon Ukraine, simply advocating for ways that don't involve exporting more weapons, which is why I think it's not a matter of opposing goals, just disagreement on the means.
It is a claim spread to discredit them, both by pro Putin pro business far right media and pro business center media and politicians that have moved strongly to the right/far rigt over the past year.
Die Linke opposes delivering weapons into war zones but demands proper sanctions while keeping diplomatic channels open. Basically sending weapons is truly the last resort. The goal is to minimize the loss of human life
This is contrary to the CDU/CSU, FDP and SPD and to some extent Green policies, who rather have lackluster sanctions, ignore sanction violations but instead send weapons. The goal is to maximize business and to have Ukraine sacrifice itself for weakening Russia.
In terms of results for Ukraine the latter strategy has failed Ukraine, but was very successful from a business perspective. The more Russia is exhausted and the more Ukraine is destroyed, the more money can be made with rebuilding and buying off Ukraine from the Ukranians. Trumps recent demand of minerals worth 500 billion is only again speaking the quiet part out loud. But as both European and US weapon deliveries to Ukraine only ever allowed them to slowly loose, instead of properly win, it seems to be very plausible that sacrificing Ukranians to cause as much damage as possible was part of the strategy.
The strategy of die Linke is a bit to idealist now, as reestablishing Ukraine in its full sovereign borders will need more weapons, but mostly more troops. But the goal to safe human lifes as opposed to make money and have other people take the punches for your geopolitical targets, is at least a legitimate goal.
Note that the Green party seemed more interested in actually supporting Ukraine to the level necessary to defend itself, but the Greens were willing to make the compromises with the other parties to keep their own power.
I understand completely, as we have a party with exactly same ideals in my country and I supported them for the last 15 years.
The issue here is that they are completely and utterly wrong, to the point that one can only surmize that they are tankies supporting the Putin regime.
I don't think anyone can look at Putin and his reign for the last 20 years and think that this is a rational person that can be dealt with. After all the agreements he broke, after assassinations, after checynia, after propaganda campaigns ... After they invaded Ukraine again!!! We let them get away with it the first time!
This guy and the Russia he created only respects strength. This Linke strategy is so weak, so pointless, so clownish, that one can only understand that they are on his side!?
That's how I see it. And I'm never never ever supporting the Linke we have in our country.
If not buying Russian gas, oil, coal, and other resources while also not selling machine and electronic parts that can be used in Russian weapons in your eyes is "weak, pointless and clownish" then i think you are not that serious about supporting Ukraine, as it might hurt business a little bit...
EDIT: Also note that in regards to Germany the SPD, CDU and FDP were eager to continue business mostly as usual with Russia after the Crimea invasion, even selling German gas infrastructure to Russian companies... If we had had a Green Left government at the time they would have sped up the renewable energy and transport transition, which had reduced the dependence on Russian energy imports instead.
Right now Putins main goal is to stop weapon deliveries to Ukraine - a country struggling to defend themselves from a tyrannic imperalist force.
The Linke want that too.
I don't see how anything else matters in this situation.
I don’t see how anything else matters in this situation.
Russia is exporting about 500 Million € worth of Crude Oil, refined Oil and LNG per day with its ships, mostly through the Baltic Sea. A significant amount of that stuff either ends up in the EU directly or indirectly through India and Turkiye.
On top of that are still double digit Million € worth of pipeline Gas to the EU.
If you think that handing Russia 500 Million € every single day does not matter, you either don't know what you are talking about or you don't care about Ukraine as soon as it interferes with business.
for comparison Germany has approved arms exports worth about 14 billion € to Ukraine in 2024. So Germany has sent about 38 Million € of weapons to Ukraine per day, while sending about a 100 Million € to Russian proxies or even Russia directly in case of LNG per day.
Tell me. If you give one side in a war 2,5x the money than the other side. Which side are you on?
Answer why Linke and Putin both want to stop weapon deliveries to Ukraine?
Edit: I don't actually think the Left is working with Putin. I think they are idiots that are helping Putin unknowingly. Plus, often tankies are in the most left parties, so it's plausible there is some affection there.