Leading climate group warns of damage to green agenda if giant project goes ahead
Keir Starmer will do huge damage to the global fight against climate change if he gives in to political pressure and allows the development of a giant new oilfield in the North Sea, according to an analysis by the country’s leading environmental institute.
Chaired by Nicholas Stern, the Grantham Institute on Climate Change will fire a warning shot to ministers not to give the green light to the Rosebank and Jackdaw fields, after suggestions that the Treasury is now in favour of allowing drilling to maximise economic growth.
Lord Stern authored the pioneering 2006 review on climate change that helped to create national and international momentum for a global deal on combating climate change and is regarded as one of the leading experts in the field.
It’ll be a cold day in Hell if he doesn’t permit it. His mission is to prove to the stakeholders that Labour has no truck with the left in any form, so any point of difference with the most hardline Tory government imaginable is a liability.