Twenty-plus years ago, Thomas Frank wrote a book called What’s the Matter With Kansas? in hopes of shedding some light on the new-ish at the time phenomenon of people actively and consistently voting against their own best interests. Obviously that wasn’t brand new — the Reagan era ushered in a whol...
Sorry to put a damper on your Schadenfreude, but this has nothing to do with any maga anti-vaccine laws. Although this outbreak is in Kansas, the TB vaccine is not used in the US, not even in blue states, except in rare special cases.
In the United States, BCG is only considered for people who meet specific criteria and in consultation with a TB expert.
I'm Canadian and I had the TB vaccine in 2019 when I asked my doctor if I should have my vaccinations boosted because I was traveling for work. He asked me if I was traveling to third world countries and I said, "Yes, the United States."
He boosted my MMR, my DTP, TB, Hepatitis A and B, Yellow Fever, and added the Pneumococus and Meningitis vaccines.
yup the evidence on the TB vaccine had been pretty iffy and many argued that lowered TB exposure and infection rates were due to better population nutrition and improved air quality. That said, most other countries still use BCG in the world.
No, there has never been a widespread TB vaccination program in the United States. In fact if you work in an at risk industry (such as Healthcare) you'll be required to submit to routine testing that will tell if you've ever had an exposure to the vaccine or actual TB. 90+ percent of people will be negative to this test, indicating they've never had TB or the TB vaccine.