I haven't been home in a while. But when did Arkansas and other states have their governors pop up saying you can't view this porn site? With a guilt trip? No offense but not looking for sanders porn
long story short, they're tryna forbid the internet from providing "lgbtq+ propaganda" by banning certain online content, which extends to erotic material, and pornhub is barring access to anyone using an ip from those states as protest, basically saying "until your governors get that stick outta their ass, you're not getting ANY of this."
It’s part protest, part practical solution. If I was one of these sites, I wouldn’t want to bother spending money figuring out the best way to verify age when you can just ban everyone from those states and blame the politicians (it is their fault the law exists).
And one good thing it has done is drive at least some of those people to VPNs, which has to make spying on what people are doing a lot more difficult for ISPs and the government.
Just to add: Pornhub supports age verification on device. What they’re against is collective a trove of user data that can (and probably will be) hacked.