They posted online in a vain attempt to retain control of the next big platform, because messing with the social structure of the west is of key importance to them.
Don’t take the bait. Is a lie.
I mean Jesus, refugees? What a politically charged word to use lol
So you want to respond but you don’t want me to?
The whole article reads like an advertisement.
I’m fairly certain it is.
The Chinese really like having control over major western social media outlets. They realized the power it gives them, and they’re so terrified by the power social media algorithms have that they released a major statement to all platforms operating in China that the social media algorithms are not to create echo chambers and must abide by a set of rules by June I think?
Yeah the rules they put out showed fear of the power these platforms wield and rightly so.
China is losing TikTok effectively, and they want users to move to the next Chinese platform. This article is an ad for it.