Rudy Giuliani insisted during three hours of testimony in a New York courtroom at a contempt hearing that he's not hiding assets from lawyers trying to recover a $148 million judgment for two Georgia election workers.
Rudy Giuliani seemed to favorably impress a judge with three hours of testimony Friday at a contempt hearing as he insisted he’s not hiding assets from lawyers trying to recover a $148 million judgment for two Georgia election workers.
Judge Lewis J. Liman seemed less inclined to find the former mayor in contempt for failing to turn over some assets, including a valuable signed Joe DiMaggio jersey that appeared to go missing after Giuliani said he last saw it around Sept. 11 in his Manhattan apartment.
The judge said Giuliani can finish his testimony Monday by appearing remotely from his Florida residence as he explains why some assets and the paperwork related to them have been hard to locate and forfeit.
Is this something Trump can pardon? I feel like that would be a point worth reporting, if so, as it would make it extremely likely this shit bag is playing the waiting game.