European Greens bring together national parties that share the same Green values, and who are active across the entire European continent - both within the European Union and beyond. We are striving for a Green transformation of Europe and its economy that will bring about a progressive and sustaina...
And that's why the European Greens want Jill Stein to step down now — they get that what she's doing is making it easier to elect a fascist bent on environmental destruction.
I agree that climate change is a global problem, but letting the one candidate who said "drill baby, drill," got $75mil investments from Big Oil, has indicated he'd be a dictator, and has explicitly called climate change a hoax—we can just let him win, because surely he won't put the boot upon the climate activists and suppress any effort to do anything meaningful about the climate?
Is that your plan? Because I fail to see how electing Donald Trump will give you the status quo you're assuming you'll have to be able to effect any sort of climate agenda.
Do all those activist things, but don't be so gullible or naive to think that the judges the president will pick, the Congresspersons and lobbying interests they choose to listen to, the people they appoint to their cabinet, and countries they do business with are tantamount to nothing.
Unless you sincerely think that stuff is tantamount to nothing compared to protests, in which case, I wish I could be that privileged and divorced from reality.
I agree that climate change is a global problem, but letting the one candidate who said “drill baby, drill,” got $75mil investments from Big Oil, has indicated he’d be a dictator, and has explicitly called climate change a hoax—we can just let him win, because surely he won’t put the boot upon the climate activists and suppress any effort to do anything meaningful about the climate?
Climate activists are already being beaten and arrested pretty much all around the world.
I'm pointing out the government is shit. Of course i must be a psyop agent from the "enemy". Our government is the best in the world and never do anything wrong.