Even younger respondents who have never lived in such a world voted in favor of giving it a whirl
Seventy-seven percent of middle-age Americans (35-54 years old) say they want to return to a time before society was “plugged in,” meaning a time before there was widespread internet and cell phone usage. As told by a new Harris Poll (via Fast Company), 63% of younger folks (18-34 years old) were also keen on returning to a pre-plugged-in world, despite that being a world they largely never had a chance to occupy.
There are a few very specific things I miss from pre-2007. For instance, I weirdly miss conversations where a whole group of people are trying to remember an answer to a question. I still find my self ask a question to a group and when someone pulls out their phone I'm disappointed because I didn't just want the answer.
But that's not a reason to go back. That's just nostalgia.
I miss the internet before iphones existed - 2008 seems to be a delineation when suddenly any idiot could easily access the "internet". Before that the net was a different place