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What do you all think about "The Ring Tempts You" mechanic?

I think it's pretty neat, at least from a commander perspective. Making non-legendary creatures into legendary creatures can add some cool synergies with cards like Ratadrabik of Urborg.


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  • Overall I think it's a wonderful way to tie in LoTR with the game mechanics. Outside of that, I think it's odd to just have cards with abilities that tempt you, and it's also odd that tempting you doesn't also always come with life loss or some other negative ability. That's like the fundamental concept of the entire Lord of the Rings story and I feel like that should have been preserved.

    My take on it would be something like: Draw 1 card and lose 2 life whenever the ring tempts you as a general mechanic. Such that, drawing a card and losing 2 life happens to whomever gets tempted and whenever they get tempted. That way you could actually lose the game if you get tempted too many times.