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1GB Pages ENABLED in Gupax!!!! But now... the Status Page is fubar.

Hello my fellow deviants. It is I, Dark_Armadill0. I made the switch to Gupax, and although I love it (and am finally seeing payouts), I’m a little underwhelmed with a few things. Ahem:

Formerly I ran XMRig standalone and experienced the following:

  • With plain XMRig I was netting 18,000 H/s.
  • With plain XMRig, I had 1GB Pages Enabled.
  • With plain XMRig, I had Huge Pages 100% enabled.

Now under Gupax, I have the following:

  • Hashrate has dropped to 13000 H/s (can run [h] command on XMRig tab to get this value)
  • 1GB Pages are NOW ENABLED.
  • Huge Pages are at 100% enabled.
  • STATUS Page of Gupax is not correctly showing/pullling information.

Thank you in advance, and stay devious _ Dark_Armadill0-


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  • Ah. Just ran it, XMRig throws an error.

    --config config.json

    • what error, that is correct syntax

      • And if I delete the Command Arguments:

        XMRig starts, no error.

        • your command line arguments are most likely malformed

          just put everything you need into the config and do not use any other command line options besides --config config.json

          • Even more confusing is my Linux OS truly thinks 1GB Pages are running. If I run in a Terminal sudo cat /proc/cpuinfo | egrep -o pdpe1gb | head -n 1 result is: pdpe1gb

            But the only Command Argument declared is --config config.json

            • this does not mean they are running, just mans the cpu supports it

              once you have everything you need in the config and properly formatted it should work, assuming you have enough ram

              • Would it be too much to ask for you to share your config.json (without your wallet address, ofc) ? Feels like I need to wipe everything from my config.json and start with known working code.

                I just made a backup of the config.json to config.json.old so I can safely delete the "corrupted" config.json . I'd truly appreciate it, if you shared yours _

                • Use default one that comes with the bundle as a starting point.

                  • Ok. Suppose I delete the original config.json file. Then I close out Gupax. Would it recreate a fresh config.json at that point? Then I can make my edits (1gb-pages true, etc) ? Sorry for all the n00b questions, and you've been my hero thus far!