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Time to stop blackout?

Hugh mistake by whoever started the protest to have an end date for it. Now only a fraction of the ~8000 subs that planned to go blackout indefinitely has remained private. The protest has achieved nothing and Reddit will continue doing its things. Not to disregard the efforts but this is definitely not the right way to protest.


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  • I don't have any kind of allegiance to Reddit, or the blackout, I do however want that sweet knowledge. It feels like it's been stolen from the user, Lock the sub from new posts, make a sticky linking here and explaining what this new community is. Right now, I believe just the mods have access to all that knowledge? feels a little unfair to the average user to lose all that data.

    • I am a brand new player. I have this comment bookmarked as a guide to the basics of the game and a suggested order to complete the star chart and quests. My friend plans to start playing the game tomorrow, and I was planning to send him that comment as a starting point. It's very frustrating that I no longer have access to this information along with everything else on that sub

      • My friend, Maybe I can help you out here. Thanks to the Wayback Machine, I was able to get this for you:

        my copypaste for new players:

        Warframe takes place in the super far future of the Origin System. You're a space ninja fighting alongside other space ninjas to steal from the rich (the corpus and grineer) and give to the poor (yourself). You also do heroic things i guess like helping out some fish people and jumpstarting a violent anti-corpus resistance. Mainly, you kill stuff, loot stuff, and do some other stuff to repeat stuffs 1 and 2.

        Everything is super confusing at first. Almost nothing is explained, but you’ll learn eventually.

        Learn Credits and Plat

        Credits are blue, platinum is silver looking. you get credits by the thousands and hundreds, but plat is only gained by trading for it from other players (as it is the standard currency in trade) or buying it from DE. do not be alarmed, as platinum is not needed for much of anything other than cosmetics. If you need credits, your best bet will be doing dark sectors (infested endless missions that have their own unique symbol for a node and hold unique bonus) and later on Index or Railjack.

        Don’t buy anything from the market unless its a blueprint. I accidentally bought a couple of resources with my plat. Blueprints cost credits

        Spend your starting plat on Warframe and weapon slots.

        Don’t ask about the Lore of the Warframes themselves. We really have an unspoken rule for spoilers and trust me, the plot twists are awesome. however, I will be happy to answer any lore related question

        Don’t be afraid to ask for help. The community is good here and mostly kind. Few are MR elitists but the majority of us are super helpful towards noobs.

        Most folk move via bullet jumping. This is your crouch and jump move at the same time.

        Most bosses drop Warframe part blueprints. Build the blueprints if you want, then buy a Blueprint for the frame itself from the market.

        All you need for making a Frame: Neuroptics, systems, and chassis.

        Star Chart Progression:

        i recommend the planets to be done in this order:






        Void Branch 1




        Void Branch 2

        Saturn (this is where things start to get hard)

        Uranus (where main story starts to pick up)


        Void Branch 3



        Void Branch 4


        there are other locations you will need to go through but they are only revealed after certain quests. Some of the locations like Mercury and Europa have thier own quest you'll need to do to progress.

        After completing the Star Chart (every single mission) you will unlock the Steel Path and Arbitration, end-game content but thats a long way off.


        mods are essential to getting good in the game. normally on frames you'll want to mod for health/shields/armor. depending on the frame's abilities you may also want to mod for strength, range, duration, or effeciency. on weapons you'll want to look at critical chance/damage, attack speed, and damage types and mod appropriately for that.

        for example, if a weapon deals slash the most, then mod for slash. if it has a high crit chance, then mod for crit chance. you will also need to mod for elements. the basic elements are heat, cold, electricity, and toxin. you can combine those elements to make better ones such as corrosive, gas, magnetic, viral, and blast.

        some elements work better against certain enemies. magnetic focuses on shields and works best against corpus but is useless against grineer, and corrosive erodes armor which makes it great for grineer but not so much against corpus or infested. most players mod for viral as it allows enemies to take much more damage.


        Tenno: good guys branded war criminals across the system. We commit war crimes daily. We’re basically a myth

        Grineer: cannibalistic russian clones. Love steampunk in space and have awful sense of humor. Except Clem. He’s cool

        Corpus: super-capitalist cultists worshipping money, basically EA

        Infested: communist space cancer, buts its alive. Think SIVA from Destiny meets the Flood from Halo

        Corrupted: mind control security system

        Clem: Steel Meridian's walking legend. A super-powerful clone who protects us from the scary void


        the order of story quests is roughly like this (keep in mind the devs have them just scattered around):

        Vor's Prize (the tutorial quest)

        The Archwing (note that this does not need you to craft the open world launcher, which needs fish oil)

        New Strange (gotten from Simaris, the big yellow guy, in any relay outside of mars. I advise visiting him and doing the synthesis tutorial)

        no quest for Jupiter but keep in mind that Jupiter and Saturn is where things get really hard. Be sure to check and experiment with mods when you can, especially the elemental ones.

        Natah (unlocked on Uranus, this is the one that kicks off the main plot)

        Second Dream (a very spoilery quest, unlocked on Neptune. I don't recommend looking this up as we love to keep these later quests a secret)

        War Within (unlocked on Sedna, also important, you'll love it)

        Chains of Harrow (this is that quest where the rabbit hole of the plot just plummets down into a deep dark abyss). unlocked after doing Mot in the Void

        Apostacy Prologue (unlocked immediately after Chains, also a super important quest since it changes quite a bit)

        Sacrifice (my favorite quest, unlocked after Apostacy)

        Chimera Prologue (unlocked after Sacrifice, very short)

        Erra (unlocked immediately after crafting Railjack i think, which is in the Rising Tide quest)

        The Maker (unlocked immediately after Erra)

        The New War (you'll need a mech from Deimos and a railjack for this. this is our latest chapter so don't worry too much.)


        Plains of Eidolon (Earth): Saya's Vigil and the Mask of Revenant, the former can be done as a new player and is needed to unlock the Quills faction after War Within

        Fortuna (Venus): Vox Solaris, Deadlock Protocol, Call of Tempestarii, and Waverider; the first two are the most important but I don't think they are all that necessary for the main story.

        Deimos: Heart of Deimos; introduces the necramech and House Entrati. Keep in mind you'll need to grind for a mech after accessing the post-War Within subfaction on Deimos.

        I recommend you do the open world stuff AFTER War Within since much of the important content is locked behind a unique ability


        For Syndicate factions, refer to this informative guide:

        100 days of Warframe:

        And if you like the 80s, here’s a Mashed video that always gets me in the mood for Warframe:

        What Do You Do In Warframe: ** Edit by Ashibear: **This link takes you to a video, the video link is dead but you can read the comments and get a jist of the discussions there

        Any questions?