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I’m convinced this is skinwalker training Biomimicry Professional Program - Biomimicry 3.8

Are you aspiring to become a full-time biomimicry professional and make a lasting positive impact on our world? Our renowned Certified Biomimicry Professional program is your gateway to the most comprehensive biomimicry training available in the world.

I ran into someone today who unironically had this degree. They were unable to actually explain it to me, and I was unable to verify they were not a skinwalker. The website doesn’t actually say what it is.

I’m convinced biomimicry professional is skinwalker training


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  • I have to admit that page is very fluffy and never says what biomimicry is, just repeats the word over and over again. It's odd for a page about "what we do".

    But that site has a page called What is Biomimicry? that lays it out pretty well with examples.

    No need to get some AI to give you an answer.

    Although interestingly neural networks are another example of biomimicry.

    • The page smells AI generated to me

      • Could be, or it could be a marketer just trying to shoehorn in talking points whilst sticking to a script that requires them to constantly refer back to Biomimicry™️. It's not well-written I'll admit that.