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It's all "ableism is bad! Support people with mental disorders!"...

...until it is someone with narcissistic personality disorder, psychopathy and sociopathy, but mostly NPD.

EDIT: There seems to be some misunderstandings about this post. It is not an attack on this community or the users here, it's just a general vent I have for the type of people that claim to be anti-ableist until it is something they don't like.


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  • This is the most NPD post ever trying to make this comparison. People with disabilities or mental disorders that hurt people when unmanaged SHOULD be treated differently. No it's not the same thing as ensuring blind or people in wheel chairs can get around without assistance or making sure people with autism get job opportunities.

    • Yeah, we suspect my sister is either Borderline or NPD. This is exactly the post she might make equating acceptance for neurodivergent personalities with her own traits that actively hurts others.

      And it's to the point that many posters fell for it. I saw this thread much earlier and just couldn't view this as a good-faith statement to even start from - so I didn't engage.

      Kinda wish the rest of the fediverse didn't engage with it - I certainly don't view it as an "important conversation" it's laughably manufactured and in bad faith. I have a sense that Beehaw's admin response artificially inflated the importance of this as well.

      Quick question, who in the heck is benefiting from this discussion? To me it looks like the trolls are getting the most out of it.