Since several people have asked for my modlist, I'll attempt to post it here, It's quite a biggy though. These mods are what I have slowly collected after nearly 1500 hours in the game and are mostly a bunch of QOL and little tweaks. Probably makes the game a little easier overall, but it's all for fun. I've starred the ones I consider "must haves" Here it is, in the order it appears in my mod manager:
*Mod Manager (fluffy's)
*Humanoid Alien Races 2.0
*EdB Prepare Carefully
*Awesome Inventory
*Wall Light
*Dubs Bad Hygiene
*Common Sense
Consolidated Traits
*LWM's Deep Storage
*[Literally every single mod from the Vanilla Expanded series]
Vanilla Melee Retexture
*Veinminer R1.1
*Smarter Construction
*Smart Speed
*Smart Medicine
*[021] Compact Reward Config
99 Percent
Advanced Power Plus
*Allow Tool
*[basically every mod that adds hair types because I like variety]
Animal Tab
Animals Logic
*Auto-Cut Blight
*Automatic Night Owl
Balanced Eclipse and Solar Flare
Better Spike Traps
*Better Workbench Management
Bionic Icons
Change Research Speed
*CM Color Coded Mood Bar [1.1+]
Craft Glitterworld Meds
CrustyTextiles (Continued)
DE Surgeries Color
*Defensive Positions
*Dismiss Trader (Continued)
Display Cases (Continued)
*Don't Steal My Walls!
*Dubs Break Mod
*Dubs Mint Menus
*Dubs Paint SHop
Easy Speedup
Effective Lumbering
Enemy Self Preservation
*Everybody Gets One
Expanded Floors
Simple Concrete
Expanded Floors (Dropdown Menu)
*Faction Control
Faction Resources
Fast Moisture Pumps
Faster Smoothing
Flags (Continued)
*Fluffy Breakdowns
Foxes Aren't Suicidal(Continued)
Frame Rate Control
*Fuse Plus
Grenade Fix: Rearmed
Growable Mushrooms
Growable Neutroamine
Guards For Me
High Tech Laboratory Facilities
Incident Tweaker
Incident Person Stat
Invisible Animal Beds
Invisible Conduits 1.2
Lag Free Lamps
Less Arbitrary Surgery (Continued)
Less Rebuff
*Let's Trade!
Level Up!
*Little Storage 2
Mad Skills
*Map Designer
*Map Reroll
*Medical Tab
Medical Training
Meditation Freedom
*Metal Don't Burn
Misc. Training
Misc. Mapgen FactionBase
*More Furniture [1.1 + 1.2]
*More Furniture [1.1 + 1.2] Royalty Patch
More Hydroponics Crops (Continued)
*More Linkables
*More Sculpture
Noku Mushrooms
*Optimization: Meats (1.2)
*Partially-Passable Wind Turbines
Pawn Name Variety
Prison Labor
*Psychology (unofficial 1.1/1.2)
*Quarry 1.1
*Rah's Bionics and Surgery Expansion
*Rational Romance 2
*Realistic Darkness (Light)
*Realistic Planets - Fan Update
*Realistic Rooms
*Filth Vanishes With Rain And Time
*Recipe Icons
[The Regrowth Biomes Mod Series]
*Replace Stuff
*Royalty Tweaks
*RT Fuse
*Rumor Has It... (Continued)
Run and Hide (Continued)
Safely Hidden Away
Search and Destroy
*Selectable Sculpture Graphic
*Set Owner for Prisoner Beds
*Set Up Camp
*Show Draftees Weapon
*Simple Search Bar
*Simple Storage
Simple Turrets
Simply More Bridges (Continued)
Skilled Stonecutting
Snap Out!
*SRTS Expanded
SRTS Expanded - Old Genesis come on, you know it looks way better.
My god typing all that out really made me face how many mods I use.. Thanks for calling me out, reddit. phew.. Most of these are probably not necessary but they've slowly pushed me to 1500 hours in this game, sooo I guess something good is happening here.. If you have any questions about the mods, just let me know c:
And I wouldn't recommend using all of these unless you have a super CPU because the game will take forever to initialize ._.