I only have hatred for one human and that Jeremy Clarkson.
Many years ago, not long after the MHxxx flight when missing, Mr Clarkson was on a flight on posted a picture of the fallen oxygen masks on his flight with some comment about I hope we don’t crash. This was shortly after it was determined what happened to the plane.
I made a comment on Twitter as a reply saying that’s not cool. To which Clarkson replied saying how am I supposed to know when I’m on a plane dummy, even though he just posted to Twitter from the plane.
What proceeded was thousands of messages from his fan boys calling me a loser and such. Which is confusing as I would argue the losers were the people defending this clown.
I got plenty of hate lmao I hate kamala Harris for being a nazi pos who actively fought to keep people in prisons because slave labor is so cheap. I hate Donald Trump for being g the shittiest nugget of turd ever to pass through Satan's anus. And I also hate Hitler, Stalin, and Mao for popularizing being an unrepentant piece of shit on the global scale.
Do I hate a dumb, sarcastic media personality for being dumb and/or sarcastic? Nah. There's bigger fish to fry. I don't hate tuckie wuckie for being dumb, that's expected. I hate tuckie wuckie for being a traitorous piece of shit that got trump elected the first time. You see?
Not only do they exist, but they are directly responsible for an entire generation of child soldiers. Possibly also ate children. Depends on who is telling the story.