A father jumped in a river to save his children, succeeded, but then drowned.
A few years ago I risked a felony to save a life because there was no one else.
These grandparents had empathy for their grandchildren.
None of these deserve accolades. Each met their obligation to provide basic human responses to the given situation.
Grandparents that, without trans family, recognized the hatred they'd been sucked into, perhaps even recognized it as counter their religious ideology, rejected the system in wider scope on principle, then quietly tried to keep running their ideological race: That's my hero.
The only people I've told were individually rationalized as part of them understanding the potential risks, benefits, and expectations associated with the magnitude of presence I had in their life. In general, most are better off if I don't communicate freely, including myself.
If someone provides an acceptable-to-me explanation of why it'd benefit society for me to tell this audience that story, then I will.
The only people I've told were individually rationalized as part of them understanding the potential risks, benefits, and expectations associated with the magnitude of presence I had in their life
We’re strangers on the internet, what are we going to do? Track you down and get you arrested for a potentially embellished to fake story?