A brick (or bricked device) is a mobile device, game console, router, computer or other electronic device that is no longer functional due to corrupted firmware, a hardware problem, or other damage.[1] The term analogizes the device to a brick's modern technological usefulness.[2]
Edit: you may click the tiny down arrow if you think it can't. ;)
then nothing can be bricked because on paper you can desolder the rom chip and put another one in place.
Companies already put serial numbers in components and configure them so only specific ones work together, requiring OEM tools to pair them.
It's imaginable that someone makes something similar with e-fuzes instead.
Nah. The person you responded to asked a facetious question. You started being pedantic.Everyone know what it means when someone says something is bricked.
it's not costly or time consuming maybe in the past but now you plug in a memory stick and hit a button then wait 5 minutes for a light to stop flashing