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BBC Question Time: analysis of guests over nine years suggests an overuse of rightwing voices BBC Question Time: analysis of guests over nine years suggests an overuse of rightwing voices

The top five most frequent non-politician panellists all write for The Spectator.

BBC Question Time: analysis of guests over nine years suggests an overuse of rightwing voices

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  • Am I missing something or does this article not provide a link to the study? Red flag there.

    • The data is in the article

      • A selection of the data is in the article.

        What's their methodology, what's their assumptions, what's their references? If you want to look credible and trustworthy in your analysis you should provide links to this sort of information. Otherwise you might be accused of misinformation.

        I'm not saying either way, but I am asking where this can be found. I don't think that's unreasonable, right?