Eliminating the First Past the Post voting system would enable people to vote for third-party candidates without the risk of a spoiler effect. This change would foster competition in the electoral process, enhancing the quality of candidates for all voters. Additionally, it would likely increase voter turnout and political engagement.
Electoral reform is possible at the state level, Alaska and Maine have already passed electoral reform so it is possible to get this done.
Republicans have already made moves to protect First Past the Post voting. Florida recently made Ranked Choice voting illegal. Fortunately there are many alternatives to FPTP, so the ban still isn't in the way of passing electoral reform.
So the question remains, why do Blue states still use FPTP voting? Why would you want to use the voting system republicans prefer? There are no republicans stopping these reforms in states that democrats control.
It is clear that democrats understand the flaws of FPTP voting, just talk about voting third party in nearly any social media and you will get a entire flock of Democrats lecturing you on how a vote not for a democrat is a vote for a republican. How can you admit the voting system is flawed and then not make any moves to rectify the situation is beyond me. You don't get to lecture people on the flaws of FPTP voting and then do nothing to fix the issue.
that cgpgrey video takes liberties (to say the least) with the truth, making logical leaps and asserting opinion as fact. i think it should not be used as a source of "good" information unless the information you want is "why does everyone think two party systems are inevitable without proof?" or maybe "how can i tell people who won't fall in line they're stupid while sounding academic?"