Then make the rotations 6 months, not one week. There is absolutely no need for a rolling schedule in one week increments. I've done it. If you want to prevent burnout, that is absolutely not the way to do it.
Having worked 3rd shift in the past myself and knowing multiple people who have worked rotating shifts, there are a lot of people who do want frequent rotations so they can do things on a 'normal schedule' every couple of weeks. They either learned to sleep on demand from the military or think they can just switch constantly with no issues, but really do want the frequent rotation.
Obviously the companies are taking advantage of those kind of people by giving them what the workers think they want even though it is horrible in the long term for most people.
I dunno about everyone else, but a rotating shift like that would destroy me. A locked in schedule, even overnight, would be infinitely better for preventing burnout for me.