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‘My ultimate and absolute revenge’: Trump gives chilling CPAC speech on presidential agenda ‘My ultimate and absolute revenge’: Trump gives chilling CPAC speech on presidential agenda

Unbound and unhinged, ex-president vilifies immigrants before devolving into bizarre riffs, including calling himself a ‘total genius’

‘My ultimate and absolute revenge’: Trump gives chilling CPAC speech on presidential agenda

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  • Among the great tragedies of our time is the fact that this slimy rapist dirtbag conman isn't already yesterday's news. Fade the fuck away, Donald.

    The American right are beyond pathetic that this whining fat orange bitch is the best they've been able to come up with for 3 consecutive election cycles. At best he's a distraction from the shit our country needs to do and at worst he's a danger to the entire world, us included. Demented dotard belongs in jail and nowhere near the levers of power.