Yeah, by stuffing moss and bundles of cotton in their knickers. If it's a choice of that or stocking up on pads when I'm raiding Tesco, I know which one I'd rather
I can't speak for all women but I think I'd try to have enough of both food and pads/tampons if I could. Pads are much more efficient at absorbing than a bundle of cloth and are cleaner, so wouldn't cause thrush and other infections
Pads and tampons are also good first aid supplies - I think tampons were first invented to plug bullet holes
I think tampons were first invented to plug bullet holes
I think tampons are older invention than bullets. I know tampons have been used for battlefield wounds, but I don't think that's their original intended use.
Tampons are useless for wounds as they typically hold less than 30mL/1oz of fluid. If you have a large wound that is bleeding despite applying pressure, use a tourniquet (which you can make out of any sufficiently strong fabric and a stick)