A clarification that really only makes this worse: Crunchyroll did not acquire Funimation. Funimation acquired Crunchyroll, and decided to use the Crunchyroll name instead. They have had every opportunity since the merger to support people's purchases, but have chosen not to.
Or if you're Google, create another company under a different name, split yourself up, then buy everything under that new umbrella (Alphabet). That'll keep the antitrust enforcers at bay...
They couldn't even transfer over everyone's watch history like they promised. They can't even manage to apply multiple audio tracks and subtitles to the same videos, so each dub is displayed like it's own season and when youre done a series it just starts playing episode 1 in German right away. Their newly added page is full of old titles that just had a Hindi dub uploaded.
They'd have an easier time getting to mars than letting people transfer their purchased videos over.
But crunchyroll paid video game YouTubers to promote it a decade ago, so it was the brand that won out. Never mind that all these problems did not occur on the funimation website. Never let anyone ever tell you that advertising isn't important, it's more ten times more valuable than good coding or engineering.
Just a couple of weeks ago I used a free trial on Crunchyroll and none of that is true, at least for the 3 titles I watched (My Hero Academia, Jujutsu Kaizen, and Demon Slayer). The audio tracks were selectable in the video player, as were the subtitles.
Also, the subtitles were absolutely top notch, with translations of Japanese text appearing just next to the original, at the same angle and with the same colours, and without obscuring the original text.
I haven't heard about any shoddy business before seeing this post, but that could be because I haven't looked for it.
The dub problem is a Crunchyroll problem, in my experience, having been a Crunchyroll member before the merger. Dubs on Crunchyroll where a complete mess, each time they tried to fix it, it got worse. As you mentioned, dubs being displayed as seasons.
After the funimation buy out, I see dubbed titles being fixed, and more dub options being added.
So they bought another company and then said "we changed our name so we're not obligated to fulfill any of our previous obligations now!"? How dafuq is that legal?
So they're using Crunchyroll as the name of their streaming service, but will continue to use Funimation for physical media? I can't imagine they're just throwing the entire Funimation brand in the trash.