“ We have unusually strong marketing connections; Vitalik approves of us; Aella is a marketing advisor on this project; SlateStarCodex is well aware of us. We are quite networked in the Effective Altruism space. We could plausibly get an Elon tweet. ”
From the short investor spiel document. Also they want to just bypass the FDA?
probably worth someone digging into that to see what else may surround the person
from the "Safety Review and FAQ" document:
Will this spread to everyone I kiss?
It’s very unlikely in non-immunocompromised adults. However, if you’re concerned, you should avoid kissing anyone taking oral antibiotics, or children.
"sure let's just casually become a walking science experiment and then thinking to first ask whether the other person is taking oral antibiotics. oh and children, because mouth-kissing children is perfectly normal to me, the author of this document"
this was from just like 2min of glancing at this mess so far and fucking what
do tell? I'm not aware of this. I've mostly managed to avoid having detailed contact with these weirdos, and only in the last few years happened to encounter ... their profiles and such. to my knowledge i've not yet managed to meet any of the mainliners of this shit in ZA
there's a poetic irony in target fixating so hard on avoiding one set of weird nutbaggery to then end up as one of the central figures in another bit of nutbaggery...