Ladies and gentlemen, a prime example of exactly why people don’t switch to Linux.
The loudest portion of the community are insufferable twats, and you know it’s bad because I’m an insufferable twat and I’m calling this one out on it.
often the content isn't even related to Linux it's just tirades of anger against corporations. Doesn't even have to be Microsoft, any commercial that dares make any move in the Linux space - Canonical, red hat, oracle get derided too.
“Proposers of a piece of free and open source software, an ideology created by an anarcho-socialist software engineer, tend to lean left on the political spectrum. More news at 11…”
Discussion? You think this is a discussion? You might want to freshen up on the definition of discussion, my friend. Neither you nor the other guy even have made a single point yet. None of you even tried to prove to me that I am wrong. All you have done until now is throwing insults at me. Please keep doing that. Please keep not proving me wrong.
You may not even want to hear it because you're obviously so far up your own ass that you wouldn't be able to but:
Most computers ship with Windows installed, maybe they didn't "choose" anything
There are a lot of people who need to use Windows professionally, Linux is not always a viable alternative at all
People are allowed to prefer Windows for their own reasons and still complain about the shit MS pulls off without immediately being attacked for "installing malware"
There are a lot of people who need to use Windows professionally, Linux is not always a viable alternative at all
You misunderstand. I'm not saying don't use Windows. I'm saying don't use Windows and then whine about it later. If you have a job that requires you to use Windows and you have a problem with using Windows, go complain to your manager, not some strangers on the Internet, they can't help you.
People are allowed to prefer Windows for their own reasons and still complain about the shit MS pulls off without immediately being attacked for “installing malware”
People are allowed to prefer Windows no question, but somehow they're always surprised that an operating system, that is generally known for performing actions from which MS profits, performs actions from which MS profits. And then they go cry on the Internet about it like dealing with this wasn't the consequence of their own actions. And then they're surprised they get ridiculed for being ridiculous.
You keep talking about choice even though there isn't one for many people. And why wouldn't they be allowed to whine about it? To call out MS for their constant bullshit is absolutely the right thing to do imo.
Your initial comment was not only incredibly condescending and presumptuous but doesn't help anyone. And it's also absolutely the last thing people wanna hear who keep getting invaded like that by MS all the time. So you kinda deserve the backlash, sorry you don't see that.
To call out MS for their constant bullshit is absolutely the right thing to do imo.
The post quite literally says "WHY THEY ****ING IGNORE IT???". That's not calling out MS for their bullshit. That's asking why MS would do MS bullshit, to which the obvious answer is "because they're MS", hence my comment
You keep talking about choice even though there isn’t one for many people.
May I point out the part where I said, that if you're forced to use Windows then maybe you should complain to the people who force you, not random people on the Internet, who are not responsible for your problems.
As someone who just wandered into this thread - yes, you are by far the most insufferable poster on this thread so far. Worse than many other vegetarians in fact.
Yeah, but, DAE LE WINDASS WINDOWNS BAD??! LOL LE MICRO SHIT USERS LOLOLOL XD XD EGGS DEE MI$RO$OFT IS BIL GAETS DIK JOKE. Seems perfectly welcoming to me, especially the heavy insinuation that absolutely everything is PEBKAC, even if you're on a fresh install of something allegedly intended for mainstream - following verbatim, explicitly appropriate instructions. If you're really lucky, someone might deign to link you an LMGTFY.
This stuff truly has helped make Desktop Linux a force to be reckoned with over the years. So much so that Year of Desktop Linux has been... pretty much every year of the past 20, I think.
On Windows, we all know it's spackled together shit with shoe strings, spit and duct tape - probably still involving some tech out of the 70s-80s or at least tech debt from back then. We tend to not pretend it's flawless because no software is.
Yeah, if you want people to try switching you need to understand their use case and nicely explain the pros and cons. Being a dick about it just makes people think it’s some elitist club for computer nerds instead of a tool they may find useful
Why are you talking about Linux in the first place? Nothing pointed to this discussion being about Linux, or maybe you're so used to Linux users having nothing to talk about except "DAE Windows bad" that you thought you were on the Linux meme community?
Why are you talking about Linux in the first place?
I assumed your last message was about Linux, since it's not exactly hard to understand how Windows works. 30 years of technical debt with a new UI every now and then, so they can give a reason why they are reselling the same software over and over again, combined with the effort to squeeze every bit of possible profit out of their user base, e.g. through ads, selling data gathered from their user base and possibly even silently postponing fixes for gaping security holes, so e.g. Antivirus companies have a reason to exist.
You can't possibly believe MS does all the bullshit they do with the user in mind? No user ever said "Please let the next overhyped Candy-Crush-esque game pop up in my start menu automatically" or "Please randomly enable this useless search bar during an update" or "Please give me this piece of software with full control over every digital step I take, but don't you dare tell me what it does in detail." And the best part is the users even pay to have this software on their machine.
having nothing to talk about except “DAE Windows bad”
You do realize the topic of this thread is "Windows bad" right? Maybe read the post again?
Read again, I'm saying you assumed this conversation was about Linux because Linux people have nothing to talk about expect how they hate Windows, I didn't say this conversation wasn't able Windows being bad, I said it wasn't about Linux in the first place but just like vegans or people who do CrossFit, you guys can't help bringing everything back to your own field of interest no matter if people opened the door to it or not.
Read again, I’m saying you assumed this conversation was about Linux because Linux people have nothing to talk about expect how they hate Windows
How did you fail to even read one sentence of my message? I quite literally explained why I assumed you were talking about Linux in the first sentence.